
March 20, 2008

Struggling with the Brooklyn Half Marathon change

When I first heard the news that the Brooklyn Half Marathon was being postponed until May 3, it didn’t affect me. In fact, it was actually even better for me, because my mom had wanted to come watch the race but couldn’t come on April 26th (the original date) because she’s going on vacation to Florida. I may even go join her now that I’m freed up. Then, just yesterday, I got asked to judge a case competition up at Cornell. I knew I was going to be asked to do this, but had no idea what the date would …

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March 18, 2008

Race Report: Ras Na Heireann 5K

I’m going to follow the precedent set by Amanda for (day before) St. Patrick’s Day races, and cut right to the chase:Old 5K personal record – 27:21 (8:48 pace)New 5K personal record – 24:37 (7:56 pace) That’s right, I completely obliterated my old record and dropped almost a minute off my mile! And I’d also like to add that my first 5K was last June, when it took me 31:50. What a difference 9 months can make! (Insert some kind of joke about having a baby in that time… unfortunately I’m not clever enough to think of it) Anyway, my …

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March 17, 2008

Prelude to a Race / Mini-Marriott Review

As I mentioned yesterday, most people seem to plan their races in advance. But yesterday morning, I found myself on the 8:30 flight to Boston, knowing that I was going to do a race, but not sure which. There was a 5K in South Boston sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club. That one started at 10 AM, so the question was if I would make it there in time. There was a “hash” in Cambridge complete with drinking and a St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl, where the question was if I was brave enough to join this group of …

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March 16, 2008

Race Report: NYRR 8000

Most people plan their running. They plan which races they’re going to run, they plan when and how they will train, they plan their rest days, and they even sometimes plan their drinking so as not to mess up their training schedule. Me? My style is a bit more ad hoc. Which is why I decided while nearly blackout drunk at 2 AM on Friday night that I would run the NYRR 8000 yesterday morning. The decision was prompted by a senior manager after an evening of drinking at the office and then heading out to a nearby watering hole …

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March 15, 2008

Healthy Meal: Grilled Swordfish with Moroccan Charmoula

I had some leftover swordfish, so I went browsing for recipes on Food Network. It seemed like almost every recipe was citrus-y, but I wanted something different since I just did a citrus swordfish on Thursday. I finally found this recipe, which has some savory Moroccan flavors. Recipe notes:I had a craving for potatoes since I was good and avoided the buttery potatoes my friend ordered and offered me at brunch this morning, so I decided to make mashed potatoes to go with this fish. Chopped the potato pretty finely, then popped them into some boiling water for about 15 …

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