Weekend of March 15-17
Although Friday was a work day, I counted it as my weekend starting early, since we were making up the Denver Advisory ski trip that had gone so awry a few weeks before. The snow wasn’t nearly as good as the day we were supposed to have it, but the sun was shining and the company was fantastic. As a non-golfer, perhaps I’m just not in the loop, but I think there’s no better place to have career conversations than on a ski lift on a bluebird day 🙂

Once we got back to Dinosaur Lots, I turned right around and headed back out to the mountains – and was rewarded for my efforts with Friday night traffic that really wasn’t bad at all! I had been on the fence about whether to try to get some more skiing in or just head home, but having not gone out to the mountains the weekend before, I really wanted to get out there.
I got into Minturn around 7pm (not bad!), and after dropping my stuff off, headed out for a date to Kirby Cosmo’s, the barbecue place down the street. I hadn’t been there before, and it was totally packed – turns out, they host a band with live music on Friday nights! We posted up at the end of the bar and had a great night of barbecue and music – I’ll definitely be back here.
Despite the night out, I was still able to get to bed at a reasonable hour, so I could get up to the hit the mountain early on Saturday. With only about four hours to ski before I needed to skedaddle back to Denver, I made it count – clocking in nearly 20K feet in a short time. Although I really enjoy skiing solo, it’s awesome to ski with a friend who likes the same trails and goes the same pace – means you can enjoy chatting on the lift without sacrificing feeling like you skied plenty!
Not only was I back on the road promptly as planned, but traffic also didn’t get backed up – which meant when I got home, I had plenty of time to get a few chores done, shower, and do my hair up all fancy in big bouncing curls. I haven’t curled my hair in a long time (I typically only do so once or twice a year), and I was pretty happy with how it came out despite my lack of practice. And I got a lot of compliments when I got to my friend Chris’ house for the event pre-party!

Although I don’t have kids, I still wanted to go to my neighborhood elementary school’s fundraiser, since a lot of my friends were going and I knew it would be a really fun evening. I was psyched about the “Soaring 20s” theme (our school’s mascot is the “Soaring Eagles”), and had a lot of fun finding a cute dress on Amazon to wear. Although I was a little nervous that my costume / red lipstick / curls was too over the top, I found when I got to Chris’ house that everyone else had gone similarly all-out… which made for an extra fun night.

In addition to hosting the pre-party, Chris had also been responsible for rounding up most of the silent auction items… and on the way there, she was a very bad influence in encouraging me to start bidding on lots of things!

Although I had promised myself I wouldn’t go crazy on bidding, I ended up winning a few more things than I anticipated… including a champagne toast with the school principal. I guess I’ll discuss her ten year vision for the school, since that’s when I’d possibly have kids attending? Ha 😉 Overall, though, I had a fabulous time with my friends and am so glad that I went!
I woke up on Sunday morning feeling surprisingly good (despite not eating as much as I should have at the event), and ended up having a kick-butt Bodypump class with the energetic regular instructor back from his two week vacation. His motivation always pushes me to go harder, and between that and the spreadsheet I created to track which weights to use for each track (so I can make sure I’m continually progressing), I am loving Bodypump as a way to build strength. I just need to start lifting outside of Bodypump so it’s not only a once-a-week thing! Hopefully I can make this more of a priority when ski season ends…
I headed home for a few errands, then went down to Littleton to meet up with a friend for the afternoon and grab dinner at Adelitas Cocina. Although I originally wasn’t planning to have a drink, I ended up having a margarita, and it was delicious! Now that has me looking forward to Cinco de Mayo, which isn’t all that far away.
In general, I can’t believe how fast March is going. To me, April feels like the end of winter and the beginning of spring – and that means I only have two weekends left of skiing! I have become such a ski bum this year, and while I’m looking forward to getting back to summer hiking / trail running, I’m really sad that I won’t be able to ski that much longer. I definitely need to make the most of these last few weekends.