Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

More Than Half of Employers Have Found Content on Social Media That Caused Them NOT to Hire a Candidate. (Hotel News Now)
Start Thinking About Why You Deserve a Raise Right Now. (Lifehacker)
How a Common Interview Question Fuels the Gender Pay Gap (and How to Stop It). (New York Times)
Working four-day weeks for five days’ pay? Research shows it pays off. (The Conversation)
45-Hour Workweek Increases Diabetes Risk in Women. (New York Times)
How to work a 24/7 job and still stay sane. (Well & Good NYC)
First Things First: Four Steps Toward Developing a Culture of Prioritization. (Laura Stack)
7 Reasons You Are Not Using Your To-do List. (Time Management Ninja)
Is It Better to Vent Your Anger or Keep It Inside?. (Curiosity)
A Weird Tip For A More Fulfilling Life: Make A ‘To Do For Fun’ List. (Yes and Yes)
Is the way you communicate holding you back?. (Patty Azzarello)
The Power of Positive People. (New York Times)
Problem-Solving (#136). (Friday Forward)
Stack Your Habits. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Doing Everything Wrong: Four Ways to Make Productivity Plummet. (Laura Stack)
How to Deliver a Pep Talk That’s Actually Motivating. (New York Magazine)
The More List and the Less List. (The Simple Dollar)
Simplicity as Spiritual Practice: Declutter for Deep Personal Growth. (Zen Habits)
This is the day your happiness peaks on a vacation—so plan accordingly. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Make This the Summer of Missing Out. (New York Times)
Take a Walk in the Woods. Doctor’s Orders.. (New York Times)
30 Running Hacks: Be Like MacGyver and Save Your Run. (Run to the Finish)
Running Hack: Elbow Drive. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Work out this one muscle to seriously amp up your running game. (Well & Good NYC)
This old-school fitness accessory is a lowkey butt-toning MVP. (Well & Good NYC)
5 Mistakes Athletes Still Make. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Why Athletes Overeat. (Furthermore from Equinox)
There is such thing as too much salad—here’s why. (Well & Good NYC)
Multivitamins May Not Provide Heart Benefits. (New York Times)
Probiotics have been linked to brain fog—so should you kick your kombucha habit?. (Well & Good NYC)
Forever-ish young? A new stem-cell banking company claims it can pump the brakes on age-related decline. (Well & Good NYC)
Here’s how to be sure you’re buying the best coconut oil possible. (Well & Good NYC)
The One Part of Weight Loss You’re Ignoring—and Shouldn’t Be. (Greatist)
The New Water. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Yes, you can be pro-wellness and pro-science at the same time. (Well & Good NYC)
Try It: Nerve Gliding. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Should you use mouthwash?. (Well & Good NYC)
To stay healthy while traveling, keep your overhead fan turned on—here’s why. (Well & Good NYC)
Can you spare some peanuts for people who suffer from a life-threatening disease?. (Dallas Morning News)
Cabin crew are mutinying over high temperatures on planes. (Economist)
Wifi in the sky can generate loyalty (bandwidth permitting). (Tnooz)
American Airlines Says Tech Snafu at Regional Airline Will Hurt Earnings. (Skift)
Denied Boardings Have Plunged For Most Airlines But Not American (And That’s Not Bad). (Cranky Flier)
Aeromexico Crash Proves Stronger Aircraft Often Mean Fewer Deaths. (Skift)
Exit strategy: How airplane passengers evacuate in an emergency is getting a closer look. (Dallas Morning News)
An airline employee crashes an airliner in Seattle. (Economist)
How Happy Customers Can Fuel Your Flywheel. (Total Blue Sky)
TSA Tests 3-D Airport Scanners That May Let Liquids Stay in Bags. (Bloomberg)
Fun with Numbers: America’s Most Unreliable Airports. (Cranky Flier)
Interview: Bringing a Consumer Experience to Corporate Travel. (Skift)
How Lufthansa is empowering passengers to self-manage disruption at the airport and in-flight. (Future Travel Experience)
How Washington DC’s Metro should deal with white nationalists. (Economist)
New York Approves First U.S. Cap on Uber, App-Based Cab Drivers. (Bloomberg)
Marriott Still Working Through Starwood Integration Two Years After Deal. (Skift)
8 Inspirational TED Talks Every Hospitality Professional Must Watch. (Hotel News Now)
Free Beer Is Helping SeaWorld Recapture Some of Its Crowds. (Skift)
Travel packing tips from Norma Kamali. (Well & Good NYC)
People You May Know:’ A Controversial Facebook Feature’s 10-Year History. (Lifehacker)
The First-Ever Self-Care Atlas: How People in 50 Countries Find Zen. (Shine)
Why do more women donate organs than men?. (BBC News)
What Not to Say to Someone Who’s Sick. (Lifehacker)
Nine Businesses Kids Can Start Over Summer Vacation. (The Simple Dollar)
From Tokyo to Paris, Parents Tell Americans to Chill. (New York Times)
Improve Your Kids’ Reading Comprehension by Having Them Predict What They’re About to Read. (Lifehacker)
The British Heat Wave and Aerial Archeology. (New Yorker)
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