Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

6 Actually Helpful Interview Tips. (Man Repeller)
Advice (I Wish I Had Been Given) for Women Starting Careers in Biglaw. A lot of this is very applicable to consulting as well. (Blacklines and Billables)
In Silicon Valley, Working 9 to 5 Is for Losers. (New York Times)
The Truth About Work Life Balance and How To Get It. (Yes and Yes)
Another reason to avoid burnout: Here’s why THIS is the new retirement age. (Well & Good NYC)
If You Can’t Find a Spouse Who Supports Your Career, Stay Single. (Harvard Business Journal)
The one simple work habit that could boost your career. (Well & Good NYC)
Three Surprising Ways That Gratitude Works at Work. (Greater Good)
When the Revolution Came for Amy Cuddy. (New York Times)
The 1% Principle: How Small Wins Can Produce Big Yields. (Laura Stack)
7 Science-Backed Ways to Take Better Breaks. (Zapier)
Want to Be More Productive at Work? Stop Doing this During Your Commute. (Inc)
Why Everything Going Wrong in Your Life Is Actually Amazing. (Greatist)
Want to Increase Your Empathic Accuracy? Close Your Eyes and Listen to People Speak, Yale Study. (Big Think)
12 skills you can learn in a week that will impress just about anyone. (Business Insider)
Clueyness: A Weird Kind of Sad. (Wait But Why)
Why You Should Take Your Goals Less Seriously (No, Really). (Deep Existence)
Being Organized Is A Gift I Give Myself And Other People. (BuzzFeed)
Pleasure is making you miserable—here’s how to find true happiness instead. (Well & Good NYC)
7 Ways to Fight Decision Fatigue. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Make Yourself 25% More Uncomfortable. (Yes and Yes)
Why it’s easier to think on your feet—literally. (Well & Good NYC)
This Brain Exercise Developed by Actual Scientists Actually Works. (Big Think)
10 thoughtless things you do that make you less likable. (Business Insider)
Effective Frequency: Why Ads Might Impact You More Than You Think. (The Simple Dollar)
Are You Using Social Media or Being Used by It?. (Cal Newport)
An Upbeat Mood May Boost Your Flu Shot’s Effectiveness. (New York Times)
Is anxiety the most severe symptom of a hangover?. (Well & Good NYC)
Which leafy green is the healthiest? (Well & Good NYC)
4 tips for kombucha newbies—and the one drink that will convert you. (Well & Good NYC)
How distilleries are adding literal good vibes to your glass. (Well & Good NYC)
The health risk you may not know about from microwave popcorn. If the smell can hurt you, what about eating those chemicals?! I got this air popper a few years ago and I’ll never go back to microwave popcorn again. (Well & Good NYC)
Poor Sense of Smell May Signal Impending Dementia. (New York Times)
The Science of the Exercise Yawn. (Furthermore from Equinox)
7 Moods of a Distance Runner. (The Dancing Runner)
I Made Myself Work Out Shirtless, and Maybe You Should Too. (Greatist)
Exclusive: America’s first airport private yoga studio is opening in Denver this fall. (Well & Good NYC)
Tech initiatives paying off for US airports, but growing pains a challenge. (Tnooz)
Winners and Losers Emerge From Consolidation Among U.S. Ski Resorts. (Skift)
Next Issue for Las Vegas Is Getting the Marketing Message Right After the Shooting. (Skift)
Who will win the race in the inflight wifi space?. (Tnooz)
Why Do Airlines Still Make Passengers Check In for Flights?. (Skift)
Smartphones Open Hotel Rooms at Luxury Properties But That Should Be Just the Beginning. (Skift)
IHG Is Planning to Create a New Luxury Brand. (Skift)
This start-up wants to turn the US into a camping paradise. (Well & Good NYC)
Airlines get ready for new US security rules that take effect Thursday. I’m not looking forward to going through this on my way home tomorrow… hopefully it won’t be too bad! (CNBC)
Similar: New airline security measures starting Thursday may include interviews for US-bound passengers. (Dallas Morning News)
The NEXTT initiative from IATA aims to speed up passenger processing. (Tnooz)
JetBlue Toilet Issue Is Putting a Wrench in Retrofit Plans. (Skift)
Spirit CEO Bob Fornaro on the Benefits of Operational Improvement (Across the Aisle). (Cranky Flier)
Fare Increases Helped American and Competitors Get Through the Hurricanes. (Skift)
Lufthansa Growth Has a Downside for European Flyers. (Skift)
At LaGuardia, JetBlue and Alaska Customers Win in the Temporary Terminal Shuffle. (Cranky Flier)
Exclusive interview: IATA reveals all about the thinking behind the new NEXTT initiative. (Future Travel Experience)
New flight paths lead to airplane noise complaints across US. (Associated Press)
American Airlines Believes It Doesn’t Need Over-the-Top Luxury to Compete With Gulf Carriers. (Skift)
Tourism Powerhouse Catalonia Declares Independence From Spain. (Skift)
Is the Visitor Center Dead? Scotland and LA Have Opposing Answers in the Mobile Era. (Skift)
New Honolulu Law Outlawing Mobile Devices in Crosswalks Has Tourists Confused. (Skift)
Travelers Are Worried Los Cabos and Cancun Security Woes Aren’t Worth the Risk. (Skift)
Boko Haram strapped suicide bombs to them. Somehow these teenage girls survived.. (New York Times)
All the awkward firsts…. (Alexandra Franzen)
My Husband Makes $240,000 — & I Make $36,000. (Refinery29)
The surprising things you spend money on when you’re stressed or emotional. (Well & Good NYC)
Making Money. (Medium)
Grape Expectations: The Transformation of Wine Labels. (99U)
You might be the only one.. (Alexandra Franzen)
The Overmonitored Nursery. This will totally be me if/when I have kids… (New York Times)
When Experiences Become About ‘Keeping Up with the Joneses’. (The Simple Dollar)
The Future of Online Dating Is Unsexy and Brutally Effective. (Gizmodo)
Harvey Weinstein and the Economics of Consent. (The Atlantic)
How to Complain So Your Partner Listens. (Psychology Today)
Raise Your Floor, Not Your Ceiling. (Deep Existence)
Annual “tarantula crawl” has hairy critters on the move in Colorado. One of my neighbors found a massive spider in the open space last week and I’m kind of glad I haven’t been home since! (Denver Post)
The Global Siren Call of Fast Food. (New York Times)
KFC Only Follows 11 ‘Herbs and Spices’ on Twitter. Hysterical! (Eater)
Finally, for a laugh: Every Day This Guy Creates A Brutally Honest Chart, And They Will Perfectly Sum Up Your Life. Seriously, I laughed out loud really hard at most of these! (Bored Panda)
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