Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Research: When Men Have Lower Status at Work, They’re Less Likely to Negotiate. (Harvard Business Journal)
Networking Is Misunderstood, Not Overrated. (Build Your Dream Network)
People Start Hating Their Jobs at Age 35. (Bloomberg)
Ducking the Crosshairs: Five Ways to Deal with Office Politics. (Laura Stack)
How to Create a Culture of Reading at Your Company. I love these ideas! (Buffer)
The 70 Percent Rule–When to Delegate. (Inc)
How to use your personality type to your advantage at work. (NBC News)
The Answer To This One Question Reveals What Kind Of Person You Really Are. (Mind Body Green)
Finding Flow: 5 Steps to Get in the Zone and Be More Productive. (Zapier)
A foolproof way to get up early every morning. (A Life of Productivity)
How to finally stop procrastinating, according to happiness expert Gretchen Rubin. (Well & Good NYC)
Why You Should Swap ‘I’m Busy’ With ‘I’m Focused’. (Shine)
4 Tips for Reclaiming Your Weekends, From Self-Confessed Workaholics. (Success Magazine)
How To Make Friends When You Don’t Have Play Dates. (Psychology Today)
Why You Want Who You Want. (Psychology Today)
5 Time-Saving Productivity Hacks, Reviewed. (The Simple Dollar)
Negativity is Built Into Our DNA. Here’s What We Can Do About It. (Heleo)
Becoming a Productivity Lark: Six Ways to Effectively Deal with Night Owl Tendencies. (Laura Stack)
Extroverts May Be More Exhausted Than Introverts 3 Hours Later. (Big Think)
You Can Buy Happiness. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How to Work with Someone Who’s Always Stressed Out. (Harvard Business Journal)
How to Recognize Burnout Before You’re Burned Out. (New York Times)
How to detox from information overload. (The Small Change Project)
Single-Minded Devotion to a Task. (Zen Habits)
5 Things To Do When You Have Too Much to Do. (Time Management Ninja)
10 soothing ways to de-stress at your desk. (Well & Good NYC)
10 Simple Ways to Feel Better for Free. (The Simple Dollar)
Maybe We All Need a Little Less Balance. (New York Times)
It’s True: Being Near Water Really Does Make Us Happier. (Conde Nast)
3 Tips to Give Your Brain the Sleep It Needs. (Psychology Today)
“Happiness” doesn’t necessarily correlate to “healthiness” in this country. (Well & Good NYC)
Walnuts for Weight Loss?. (New York Times)
Moving In With My Boyfriend Completely Derailed My Health Goals. (Bon Appetit)
The Case for a Breakfast Feast. (New York Times)
5 Tips to Hack Your Meal Prep. (My Fitness Pal)
Is hard cider actually good for you?. (Well & Good NYC)
The Science Behind Skipping Your Post-Workout Stretch. (My Fitness Pal)
How to get the most out of your spin class, according to a SoulCycle instructor. (Well & Good NYC)
Aspire to Be One Percent Fitter. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How to Run With a Jogging Stroller. (New York Times)
What to do when you want to stop. (Furthermore from Equinox)
What to Wear Tool. As I’m getting back to running and the weather has so many ups and downs at this time of year, this is really helpful! (Runners World)
5 Science-Backed Ways Getting Outside Will Make You Healthier. (Greatist)
Are We Being Unfair to Justin Gatlin? (Outside Magazine)
ESPN Football Analyst Walks Away, Disturbed by Brain Trauma on Field. (New York Times)
Why Stinky Socks May Bother Women More Than Men. (New York Times)
20 Percent More Smokers Quit After $1 Price Increase. (New York Times)
How flying seriously messes with your mind. (BBC World)
Speeding your way towards user engagement and conversion. (Tnooz)
Airlines mix and match their relationship with GDSs and fare families. (Tnooz)
United Is Fighting Low-Cost Rivals With Cheap Fares as Investors Worry. (Skift)
How Budget Carriers Transformed the Airline Industry—in 14 Charts. (Wall Street Journal)
Sources: The real reason United Airlines suddenly pulled back on Basic Economy fares. (Chicago Business Journal)
Spirit Airlines Wants to Win Back Customers by Being Nicer. (Skift)
Airlines experiment with customer service from SMS to very human AI. (Tnooz)
SAS Strives to Fulfill Passenger Dreams and Its Own With Experiences Program for Elite Flyers. (Skift)
Airlines intervene to hold down fares as Irma approaches. In case you missed it, I also wrote a piece on “price gouging” in the wake of Irma on Thursday. (Dallas Morning News)
Delta’s New Airplane Seating Chart. Hysterical! (The Cooper Review)
Star Alliance aims to minimise missed connections at Chicago O’Hare. (Future Travel Experience)
Airport Sleep Pods Are Providing a Respite for Stranded Passengers. (Skift)
Related: Sleep pods are becoming increasingly common at airports. (Economist)
The airport revenue growth challenge – learnings from around the globe. (Tnooz)
What It Takes to Build the Perfect Premium Airport Lounge. (Skift)
Creating experiences. (Airport World)
Personalization is about much more than recommendations. (Tnooz)
How the iPhone Changed the Way We Travel for Better or Worse. (Skift)
How Instagram is reshaping restaurant design. (The Verge)
When Food Advocates Tell You What To Serve Your Customers. (Casual Kitchen)
Why Wendy’s Is the Only Chain That Serves Baked Potatoes. (Thrillist)
Behind the Rise of Chatbots in Meetings and Events. (Skift)
How to Make the Most of Free Hotel Amenities. (New York Times)
Why Adults Without Kids Are Obsessed With Disney Cruises. (Bloomberg)
10 ways to make your sponsored content feel less gross. (Me and Orla)
The Man Who Wrote Those Password Rules Has a New Tip: N3v$r M1^d!. (Wall Street Journal)
Why you shouldn’t unlock your phone with your face. (Medium)
Hey, Turn Bluetooth Off When You’re Not Using It. (Wired)
ESPN Can’t Win in Trump’s Rowdy America. (New Yorker)
Tips for the Broken-Hearted from a Broken Heart: You Are Not Alone. (The Good Men Project)
People Who Eat While Driving Should Go to Jail. (Thrillist)
Teaching Kids Coding, by the Book. (New York Times)
Review: Spikeball. I’ve played this game and it’s really fun! (Cool of the Wild)
Remaining Frugal as Your Income Grows. (The Simple Dollar)
Straight Talk on 10 Common Personal Finance and Career Issues. (The Simple Dollar)
Athleta Doesn’t Ignore Older Women and That’s Why It’s Successful. (Racked)
3 reasons why you crave pumpkin spice everything come fall, according to science. I’ve been experiencing this… (Well & Good NYC)
Safer Cars Help Keep Older Drivers on the Road. (New York Times)
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