Well, I’m back from the neurologist.. and I have very little to report. The brain MRI did turn up an abnormality in the form of a pineal cyst (that means a cyst on my pineal gland, which is responsible for melatonin production… so perhaps the cause of my recent insomnia??), but the symptoms associated with that are not at all the same as my stroke-like symptoms last week. My doctor says she likely wouldn’t recommend surgery to remove the cyst, because she believes it causes more problems than it solves, but I get to go through more testing (my favorite!) to learn more.

As far as what caused my issues last week? Still unknown. Best guess is “acephalgic migraine with global aphasia”, which basically means a migraine with no headache but loss of language abilities. Unfortunately, that’s a diagnosis of exclusion, so I have to keep getting tested for everything else and then we go to the migraine diagnosis if we can’t find anything else. As you can imagine, I’m not too happy about the unknown, but it would at least be a relatively simple fix (basically, just take daily doses of aspirin, magnesium, and B2 vitamins as a migraine/stroke preventative).
While I’m waiting for more tests, I’m going forward as if nothing is wrong. Honestly, over the last week, I’ve given a lot of thought to what would happen if it was a full on brain tumor, stroke, or other terminal diagnosis… and my answer is that I wouldn’t do all that much differently. I know the stereotype is to go on crazy vacations, but these days I really am not interested in traveling – I love my Colorado home so much and just want to spend as much time as possible there. I also wouldn’t stop working at my job – I love the people I work with and the interesting work I get to do, and while a reduction in hours/travel might be nice, I wouldn’t stop working even if I knew I didn’t have a lot of time left.

This probably all sounds really dark and negative, but to me it’s really positive and uplifting that I wouldn’t change my life very much even if I knew I didn’t have a lot of it left. Probably the only change would be guilting more of the people I love into visiting me in Colorado 🙂
So in the spirit of continuing to do all the things I love, I signed up for a race in a few weeks that’s sponsored by Anheuser Busch… which starts and ends at their brewery in Fort Collins! There is a half marathon option and a four mile option, and I’m doing the short distance now, though am considering training for a longer race in the fall (the same race organization does a fall event in the Poudre River Canyon). The course description sounds fabulous: “Scenic country roads make for a great spring half marathon! Course is an out & back with a mix of paved & dirt roads rolling Northwest of the brewery.” And, there will be post-race food and drinks at the Anheuser-Busch Biergarten! What a great way to celebrate spring.

The race is on Sunday March 26, and both the half marathon and 4 mile race start at 9:00am. Both races start & finish at The Biergarten @ Anheuser-Busch Brewery, which is located at 2351 Busch Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524. If you’re a local runner or will be in Colorado and would like to come join, I’m hoping we can all meet up at the race too!
Anheuser-Busch has generously offered up THREE free race entries to the Spring Equinox Half Marathon or Four Miler for 50by25 readers! This giveaway is open to anyone in the US, but please note that you are responsible for your own transportation/accommodations. To enter, leave a comment telling me which distance you’d like to run, and log that in the Rafflecopter widget below (if you’re reading this in Feedly/Bloglovin’/email, you’ll need to click through to enter). The contest will run through next Thursday March 16th at 11:59pm MT, at which time a winner will be chosen by random drawing and contacted by email.
Thank you so much to Anheuser Busch for offering these race entries – hope you come run with me!
Disclosure: Anheuser-Busch gave me a free race entry as well, but I received no other compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
The 4 mile!
The half marathon!
Definitely the 4 miler! And if I don’t win this, I still want to come by and grab a beer with you! It’s been far too long!
I would love to run the half as part of my Boston training! Looks like a beautiful course!