Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How to validate your business idea. (Crew Blog)
Asian Last Names Lead To Fewer Job Interviews, Still. (NPR)
What I Wish I Said to the Recruiter Who Shamed Me into a Lower Salary. (Marie Claire)
The Worst Career Advice Women Get. (LinkedIn)
Here’s how much having a baby could actually impact your career. (Cosmopolitan)
Why McCann Dropped a Statue of a ‘Fearless Girl’ Next to Wall Street’s Charging Bull Overnight. I used to work in an office right next to the bull, so I really love this! (Adweek)
Lessons Learned from PwC on Honesty, Courtesy of the Oscars. (LinkedIn)
Pricewaterhouse Coopers offers a lesson in responsibility. (LinkedIn)
How much does an app really cost to make? (Crew Blog)
The best productivity hacks for startup CEOs. (Crew Blog)
This Is How To Overcome Bullies At Work: 7 Expert Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Easy Ways to Exit Awkward Situations. (Real Simple)
Deep Work vs. Messy: How to Balance Productivity and Creativity. (Zapier)
7 Tips to Increase Your Email Speed. (Time Management Ninja)
Annoying Study Shows Humblebragging Works, Kind Of. (Science of Us)
15 Body Language Secrets Of Successful People. (Huffington Post)
Do You Like Me? Do I? (TEDx Boulder)
Why Few People Dare Eat the Boss’s M&Ms. (Washington Post)
Women Don’t Sleep Less Than Men And Other Problems With the ‘Gender Sleep Gap’. (Van Winkle’s)
Light Bulbs That Help You Sleep. (New York Times)
Is coffee actually good for you? (Well & Good NYC)
11 Easy Ways to Make Your Food Last Longer. (My Fitness Pal)
The Future of Protein. (Furthermore from Equinox)
19 Nutrition Buzzwords Explained. (My Fitness Pal)
A Beginner’s Guide to the Gym: Everything You Need to Know. (Nerd Fitness)
Lessons on Aging Well, From a 105-Year-Old Cyclist. (New York Times)
Training for a Mountain Race Without Access to Mountains. (Rock Creek Runner)
Running in the Winter: Advice from a Boston Marathon Winner. (Fix)
Surgery or Drugs? Doctors’ Pay May Influence Choice. (New York Times)
Video: Danny MacAskill’s Wee Day Out. This played at Banff Mountain Film Fest and I loved it – so fun! (Vimeo)
What Hotels Think Millennial Travelers Want. (Conde Nast)
Millennials, dark social, influencers and payola – a cautionary tale for hotels. (Tnooz)
Airbnb Is Looking Closely at the Long-Term Rental Market. This could get interesting! (Skift)
What’s the Next Step for Airline Premium Economy?. (Skift)
Airline Stopover Programs Can Be a Huge Tourism Catalyst. (Skift)
Ex-Port Authority Chief Won’t Go to Prison Over United’s ‘Chairman’s Flight’. (Skift)
JetBlue unhappy with gate position at Hartsfield-Jackson. (Atlanta Journal Constitution)
ACI reveals the world’s most customer friendly airports. (Airport World)
Related: World’s most customer friendly airports – industry reaction. (Airport World)
Denver named tops in U.S. for airport dining. (Travel Weekly)
These Are the Best Hospitality Companies to Work for in 2017. (Skift)
EU parliament votes to end visa-free travel for US citizens. Wow, this could be huge. (Secret Flying)
The Great American Bucket List: 50 Things to Do in the US Before You Die. (Thrillist)
At This Staten Island Restaurant, a Kitchen Run by Grandma. (New York Times)
These boys got the same haircut so their teacher ‘wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.’ (Some Ecards)
There’s No Red in This Photo, and It’s Driving the Internet Crazy. (Thrillist)
Color Changing Card Trick. (YouTube)
I’m a party animal who tried hygge for a weekend—here’s what happened. (Well & Good NYC)
Why You Should Act Like A Normal Human on the Internet. (Yes and Yes)
The Observer Effect and Your Money. (The Simple Dollar)
15 Simple Driving Tactics That Will Save You Surprising Money (and Time, Too). (The Simple Dollar)
And finally, for a laugh: Husband hilariously documents his existential crisis when his wife drags him to IKEA. (Some Ecards)
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