Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

10 Worst Lies You’ve Been Told About Making a Living. (CheatSheet)
12 Pieces of Career Advice I Would Give My Younger Self. (Café Mom)
Are You Required To Find + Follow Your Calling?. (Yes and Yes)
How to find out in an interview if someone is a giver or a taker. (David Jaxon)
Why No One Cares That You Work Really Late. (Fortune Magazine)
4 Signs of a Dysfunctional Workplace You Can Spot in an Interview. (Career Contessa)
Why Open Offices Are Bad For Us. (BBC World)
How to Get Healthy During Busy Season. (LinkedIn)
I Work From Home. Hilarious! (New Yorker)
7 Secrets to Ending Meetings on Time. (Time Management Ninja)
Four Ways to Get Better at Your Job Right Away: Stepping Up to Boost Your Productivity. (Laura Stack)
The Surprising Way to Enjoy Work. (Deep Existence)
Reach Any Goal This Year with a Spreadsheet, a Calendar, and the SMART System. (Zapier)
How Being Bored Out Of Your Mind Makes You More Creative. (Wired)
Gaslighting: Know It and Identify It to Protect Yourself. (Psychology Today)
How To Be Calm Under Pressure: 3 Secrets From A Bomb Disposal Expert. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
You Need to Practice Being Your Future Self. (Harvard Business Journal)
The Athlete’s Guide to Fat. (Furthermore from Equinox)
A Girl and Her Donkey. (New York Times)
Why You Should Try Macrocycle Training. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How to Increase Your Actions Per Day (APD). (Nerd Fitness)
Can You Train Your Body to Burn More Fat?. (My Fitness Pal)
Edible Is The New Wearable. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Triathlon Training. This is really comprehensive! (New York Times)
Is the Super Bowl Hangover Real?. (Sunglasses Warehouse)
Don’t Rely on a Sleep-Deprived Person for Directions. (Van Winkle’s)
Related: 6 Things to Help You Get Through the Day When You Got Zero Sleep. (PureWow)
The Robot That Performed My Kidney Transplant Declined to Be Interviewed. (New York Times)
Revenge of the Lunch Lady. (Huffington Post)
Palau wants to limit tourists to the very wealthy. Fascinating approach to economic development planning! (New Zealand Herald)
Five things to never say to your hotel owner. (Tnooz)
Hotel Jen to Launch Interactive Night Light Program. (Skift)
8 Top Executives Say Where Hotel Loyalty Is Headed Next. (Skift)
Recruiting the Superstars of Tomorrow: Insights from Today’s Hospitality Leaders. (Skift)
Travel firms can afford to upset supporters of President Trump. (Economist)
What’s in Store Today for U.S. Airline CEOs at the White House. (Skift)
Similar: What the Airlines Want to Get Out of Donald Trump Today. (Cranky Flier)
Follow up: Airline CEOs Are Optimistic Following Talk With President Trump. (Skift)
Corporates failing to adopt the tech that can keep out-of-policy travellers in line. (Tnooz)
Airline IT Failures Expose Systems That Are a Mix of Really Old and New Technologies. (Skift)
The future of seatback IFE according to American Airlines, Delta, JetBlue and Aeromexico. (Future Travel Experience)
Related: Should films on planes be censored?. (Economist)
Air France-KLM’s ‘customer intimacy’ strategy: new technologies, human interaction and innovation. (Future Travel Experience)
Finding the Balance Between Humans and Technology in Hospitality. (Skift)
Travel Megatrends 2017: Corporate Travel Tech Is in Upheaval. (Skift)
Schiphol Airport and KLM launch biometric boarding trial. (Future Travel Experience)
How to be an American: Syrian refugees find a home in Trump country. (Washington Post)
How I Chose to Make Friends in a New City. (Medium)
To Improve Your Sense of Direction, Lose the Technology. (New York Times)
Obsolete technologies that will baffle modern children. (Telegraph)
Instamom. (The Atlantic)
True Story: I’m a celebrity bodyguard. (Yes and Yes)
Is Being in the Mall a Liability? (Racked)
One sentence per day. (Prepare For Adventure)
Valentine’s Day Adventures: Unique Ideas for the Perfect Date. Lots of great ideas in here if you haven’t started plannig yet! (Cool of the Wild)
What To Do When Decluttering Makes You Feel Miserable. (Becoming Minimalist)
In the Shopping Cart of a Food Stamp Household: Lots of Soda. (New York Times)
Three Famous Athletes Who Can Teach Us a Thing or Two About Frugality. (The Simple Dollar)
And finally, for a laugh: 100 Tweets That Made Women Pee Themselves With Laughter In 2016. (BuzzFeed)
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