July 5, 2015

Links I Love: July 5, 2015

Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Links I Love
Original image source: Mike Licht


The Full-Time Job Is Dead. (Medium)

Business Cards: You’re Using Them Wrong. (Full Contact)

Play this game: What would you do if you were a millionaire? (Penelope Trunk)

The Best Career for Your Personality Type. (Levo League)

5 real ways to help women avoid a mid-career stall. (Business Journals)

New Study Concludes Moms Should Earn 66k for the Stress Alone. (Women’s Health Magazine)

The minimum requirements for giving effective feedback. (David Jaxon)


Funny: 12 Tricks to Appear Smart in Emails. (The Cooper Review)

Set a Timer and Get Your Work Done. (Time Management Ninja)

The 4 Types of Productivity Styles. (99U)

Growth Mindset Vs. Performance Mindset. (Deep Existence)

The Unexpected Benefits of Anxiety. (99U)

How to Start a Habit You Don’t Like Yet. (FitFluential)

8 Life-Changing Lessons You Can Learn in 3 Minutes From Ultra-Short TED Talks. (Inc)

Planning Out Your Life. (A Little Bit of Lacquer)


Cleaning up my sleep. (Katy Says)

Forgetting the Pain of Exercise. (New York Times)

5 No-Equipment Back Exercises You Need in Your Life. (Daily Burn)

Spring Into Fitness. (BHG 360)

What wearable tech brands need to know about the science of habits. (Wareable)

Why diets don’t actually work. (Washington Post)


Hipmunk expands feature set to include trip planning tools. (Skift)

JetBlue Opens Outdoor Space at JFK for the Non-Elite. (Skift)

Airlines Need a Lesson on How to Become Better Retailers. (Skift)

Vail Closes Deal to Buy Australian Ski Resort for $135 Million. (Skift)

ISIS and the Lonely Young American. (New York Times)

Genius! – NYC Hero Offers Speed Dates to Subway Riders. (Thrillist)

The NYC Food Bucket List. (Pure Wow)

6 Kids, 13 Countries, 8 Years (And Counting!): A Mother’s Guide to Permanently Traveling & Working Around the World. (Live Your Legend)

Best Travel Hacks. (PopSugar)


Your Home Bar Sucks. America’s Best Bartenders Offer Tips to Fix It. (Thrillist)

How to Have Your Drink and Drink It, Too. (Cup of Jo)

The real reasons Trader Joe’s wine is so cheap. (Yahoo Finance)

529 moon shot. (Practically Efficient)

The Tyranny of the Telephone. Does it make me a millenial that to this I say, ABSOLUTELY?! (Medium)

When you buy something expensive. (Adulting)

9 Tricks to Look Smart in a Book Club. (The Cooper Review)

And finally for a laugh: What Your Toddler Wants For Breakfast. (Honest Toddler)

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2 thoughts on “Links I Love: July 5, 2015”

  1. “Cleaning up my sleep” is an interesting concept. I’m SUPER interested in trying to get more quality sleep…. I get so little sleep to begin with that I feel like the sleep I do get needs to be as quality as possible. That is exactly why I don’t have a TV in my room, I hate having my phone in my room, etc.

    1. You are so good about not keeping your phone in your bedroom! As you know, I am terrible about that. But hey, I need to access my sleep app SOMEHOW!

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