June 9, 2014

Review / Giveaway: Onzie Capris

My friend Brit recently reviewed Onzie apparel on her blog. To be honest, I find that a lot of workout clothing all looks the same – and it’s why I have never yet paid the premium price to get Lululemon. (Hooray for this $20 tank from Target that many people have confused for a pricey Lulu top.) But Onzie looked amazingly different than all the other brands, and I immediately reach out to the company to see if they might be interested in partnering for me to do a review. The question would be, was I brave enough to wear this bold clothing?

Onzie (pronounced OWN-zee) was created by a 20-year Bikram Yogi, and their goal is to “blend traditional yoga wear with modern innovation and a touch of whimsy.” Although you all know I don’t do a ton of yoga, I thought that several of their capris would be perfect for spinning, running, and the other workouts, and that if I paired them with a solid-colored top, the effect would be a “touch” of whimsy but still not too bold. I am not always the most fashion-minded, so I decided to pack them for Blend Retreat this past weekend, since having a hundred or so other fit-minded bloggers around would be a great proving ground to see if others thought they were too much.

But from the second I put them on, I started getting compliments. When I went on the group run wearing the Solar System Capri Pant, at least a dozen people separately wanted to know where they were from so they could get a pair. I have to say, though, my favorite compliment came from Laura H. when she was just behind me on the uphill: “Hey Laura, your butt is out-of-this-world!” Zing 🙂

Onzie Out Of This World
I also liked how great these capris looked with my Colfax Marathon shirt. Race report coming tomorrow (and apologies if you got confused by the unfinished draft I posted by mistake yesterday).

The Capri Pant has a really wide waistband, but no drawstring or other closure to create unsightly bulges – which I really appreciate when I’m wearing a fitted top over my leggings. The material on the Capri Pant is “Free Flow Spandex” (80% nylon, 20% spandex), so they definitely have a lot of stretch to them. I was right in between sizes based on my measurements and their sizing chart, but the Onzie website suggested sizing down if that was the case, given how stretchy the materials were. For this pant, that worked well, and I felt really comfortable wearing them. They fit like a second skin, and I loved how smooth they were to the touch!

The next day, I wore the Spin Capri to go hiking. The Skyline/Citron combo was my absolute favorite print in their whole collection, and I got a ton of compliments on these as well. However, sizing down in these didn’t work quite as well for me. They are definitely stretchy enough to fit fine, but over time, the waistband tends to slip a little bit. I’m absolutely keeping them, but I need to remember to wear them with a long-line or oversized top, rather than the yellow tank I wore them with Saturday (that is admittedly too small from several years of wear and too many tumbles in the dryer).

Onzie With Joel Harper
How cute is this color combo before embarking on a hike with celebrity trainer Joel Harper? I felt totally chic but not too-too.

For my next pair of Onzie capris, I’ll probably try sizing up and see what that does – I think the fit might be a bit more to my liking. That said, Onzie does have a 15 day return policy, so don’t worry if you too are in between sizes; you can try out more than one. The spin capris are made out of the same fabric as the Capri Pant, so they’re still sleek and comfortable, but I think the little pop of color capping the hem makes them even more fun 🙂


But now, are you ready for the really fun part? Onzie has agreed to do a giveaway for one lucky reader, offering a $50 gift card to their online store! You’ll have to click through from your reader of choice, but then the Rafflecopter widget below should allow you to enter pretty seamlessly with my standard terms: one entry for a comment, one each for following me on Twitter/Facebook, and one for tweeting about the contest. The giveaway will remain open for a full week, until next Sunday, so you should have plenty of time to enter and think about your favorite Onzie apparel in case you win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you so much to Onzie for the chance to try your wonderful capris – they definitely made me feel like the belle of the ball this weekend at Blend 🙂


62 thoughts on “Review / Giveaway: Onzie Capris”

  1. Both of these styles are really cute! I normally dress pretty conservatively, but find crazy gym wear to be fun and freeing, so I’ll have to check this brand out.

  2. I love the Bengal Capri’s. I’m in a rut of all black pants for the gym and would totally rock these to spice things up.

  3. They have some really fun pieces! I like the Braid Tank Top and the spin capris in the d-town lime pattern.

  4. I’d love to enter, but they don’t make XL. Too bad, because I’d consider buying a pair if they did.

  5. I’m loving the All-In-One Tank -I also don’t pay for the Lulu clothes and buy most things at Target, but I’ve been lusting for one of these kinds of tanks for awhile now!

  6. I love the solar system capris so so much! What a great company! Thanks for sharing. Always great to find new hip running clothes.

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