Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

The Handwritten Thank-You Note After an Interview: Necessary or Passé? Completely agree that this is passé. My firm makes the hiring decisions the same day you have your interview, so if you haven’t emailed me within 30 minutes of walking out the door, it doesn’t count. (LearnVest)
Biz Ladies: Giving Meaningful Feedback. (DesignSponge)
9 Things Professionals Under 30 Do Best. (Under30CEO)
Zosia Mamet on Why She Won’t Lean In, Thanks. (Glamour)
I Stand Corrected About the Best Kind of Desk. (Five Thirty Eight)
6 Ways to Foster Collaboration in Your Workplace. (Under30CEO)
Crazy but fascinating example: How to cope when you’re in a dying industry. (Penelope Trunk)
Stop Reading Your Email and Start Acting On It. (Time Management Ninja)
A System for Remembering What you Read. (Farnam Street)
6 Things The Most Productive People Do Every Day. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Do You Have a Plan for Today? (Time Management Ninja)
Nail Every Goal You Set: The Best Advice You’ve Probably Never Heard. (Greatist)
LOVE this! I think connecting socially is the best motivation you can get. Cyc Fitness wants to introduce you to everyone in your spin class. (Well & Good NYC)
Early Fitness Can Improve the Middle-Age Brain. Another reason to run! (New York Times)
What does a “Real Woman” look like anyway? (Blogilates)
Why are portions in U.S. restaurants so big? (USA Today)
My Body Is Not A Garbage Can. (Yes and Yes)
The Growing Divide Between Luxury and Affordable Lodging Options. (Skift)
Move Over, Penguins, Marathon Coming Through. (New York Times)
Destinations Learn How to Avoid Becoming a Vanilla Vacation. (Skift)
Hey Hotels, Stop Making a Fool Out of You and Me. (Skift)
A drink problem. (Economist)
Great tips here: The Top 5 Pack-Like-a-Pro Videos on YouTube. (Skift)
Ew. Blessed Becomes a Popular Hashtag on Social Media. (New York Times)
Helpful! Though I’ve had enough oopses to fix that I already knew most of these… The Guide to Undoing Your Tech Mistakes. (PureWow)
How We Research: A Look Inside the Buffer Blog Process. (Buffer)
Why Giving Up Alcohol for 2 Months Was One of the Best Things I’ve Ever Done for My Self-Confidence. (Greatist)
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fun! i’ll have to give Cyc a try.