October 27, 2013

Links I Love: October 27, 2013

Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Links I Love
Original image source: Mike Licht


This one will make you think: I Dare You To Start Doing What You Really Want In Life. (Mind Body Green)

6 Simple Ways To Land Your Dream Job, And Why They Work. Note that this assumes you already know what that dream job is! (Thought Catalog)

An Insanely Basic Plan For Starting A Business + Working For Yourself. (Yes and Yes)

I work from home a lot, so I found this incredibly helpful: Distracted? 6 Ways To Stop Interruptions When Working At Home. (Marie Forleo)

But when you do have to trek to the office: The Smart Commute: 5 Ways Your Commute Can Help Your Career. (Main Street)

Timely: Halloween at the Office. (Corporette)

Handling Criticism: How to Deal with People Judging You and Your Work. (Buffer Blog)

Three little words that help you focus so much more: The Only Business and Life Tip You’ll Ever Need. (Martin Berry)


This is a bit career-related as well for most of us: 3 Little Tricks to Deal With People Who Offend You. (Zen Habits)

My Phrase to Save: “Will this further my goals?” Great psych trick to help you stay focused on attaining anything you really want!, (LearnVest)

You Do Have Time, But You Must Make a Choice. Yes, yes, yes! This is pretty much exactly my philosophy and the source of one of my biggest pet peeves. (Time Management Ninja)

Scott Adams: How to Be Successful. (Wall Street Journal)

45 Productivity Tips for Extremely Busy People. (Daily Muse)

Is It Possible to Over-Plan Your Life? Probably, but I’m going to keep doing it anyway! (LearnVest)


Perhaps this post on why Sleeping In On Weekends doesn’t work is the answer to the q I posed Thursday. (Prevention Magazine)

Dear Paleo, I Quit. Note that this isn’t just about paleo, but has a ton of comprehensive fact-based information that refutes most of the diet myths out there. (Health-Bent)

Time to rethink what you thought you knew! The Fallacy of Working Out To “Burn Calories” + Exercise Shuts Down the Carb Cravings. (Suppversity)

What’s The Point Of Running 13.1 Miles? (Lifting Revolution)

Hitting the Wall – For Marathon Charities, Numbers Are Slowing. (New York Times)

5 mental strategies all runners need to know. (Well + Good NYC)

Great video: Christopher McDougall’s Are we born to run? (TED Talks)

This is a cool challenge even if you’re traveling to once-in-a-lifetime spots: My Healthiest Travel Routine Yet. (Zen Habits)


Forget room service — order a bike! (CNN Travel)

Are you marketing to your Affluencers? (TNooz)

America’s Mood Map: Which State Matches Your Personality? I got South Carolina – but was pretty psyched when I realized that was the same color as Colorado! (Time Magazine)

Six Reasons Airlines Should Learn to Love Big Data. (Skift)

Why loss of ‘mileage’ runners would hurt us all. Hmm, I think I disagree with this one – as long as you’re flying the mileage to hit the targets, minimum spend is usually pretty easy too. I think the only people this would affect are those who use mileage runs for the majority of their trips, rather than as an end of year supplement. (USA Today)

Well, this is a new development! Ryanair Cuts Some Fees in Effort to Woo Back Customers. (Skift)


This is sad but true: The United States, Falling Behind. (New York Times)

I didn’t know a lot of this but loved that Trunk found the upside: 3 Things you need to know about people with Asperger’s. (Penelope Trunk)

Fascinating! 22 Hours in Balthazar. (New York Times)

How To Flirt — Backed By Scientific Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)

This sounds boring, but it’s actually hilarious – and has been one of the most popular stories I shared this week! Vitamix: A history of the company and analysis of the blender’s appeal. (Slate)

Famous brands updated with honest taglines – and they do mean honest! (22 Words)

And of course a funny video to close things out: Dad Made An LED Light Halloween Costume For Toddler. (Happy Place)

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