February 24, 2011

Typical day in the life of a consultant

I realized this morning that it doesn’t feel like the week really started until I’ve been on a plane. Yes, for all my complaints about delayed flights and how hard the travel lifestyle can be, I missed being up in the air. Fortunately, this morning I headed back to LaGuardia and was welcomed back by the TSA with open arms (and groping hands). I guess I’m just not content without my Monday morning patdown!

Today I had training all day, which was capped off with a delightful happy hour at our hotel. Delightful in large part because it was held next to a ballroom that was hosting a male model casting call for J Crew. Yes please!

As for the rest of the night, three words: Hot. Buttered. Rum. You take a few tablespoons of butter, add enough sugar and spices to roll it into a ball, then drop it into a glass of rum. You may die of a heart attack, but you will die happy.

(Rachel Cosgrove, I think your workout is on the agenda for tomorrow morning. I do not think hot buttered rum counts as “vegetable + lean protein,” not even a little bit).


2 thoughts on “Typical day in the life of a consultant”

  1. Hi Laura, I’ve been reading your blog and love it. What an amazing accomplishment and fun adventures! I have a website that is a resource for new consultants (myconsultinglife.com) and cover a variety of topics in both the career and lifestyle arena. I’d love to do an article featuring you on how you were able to train while working in consulting (you know, so many peeople are convinced there’s no time to work out). I think your story would be really inspiring. If you’d be open to it, shoot me an email (kristine@realizedintentions.com)

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