I stayed home from work sick on Wednesday, and ended up feeling not too bad throughout the day. Then on Thursday, I went back to work… and felt way worse than I had all week. It was all I could do to get through the day, at which point I headed for home. I packed for the weekend and then headed over to Boyfriend’s, where we ordered pizza and cuddled up for a night of TV catchup (Parks and Recreation, The Office, and House). By the end of those, I was yawning like crazy, so we headed to bed without even getting to watch Grey’s. I was so tired I didn’t even care – I just wanted to get well in time for this weekend’s marathons.
This morning, I woke up feeling surprisingly good. I still had a slight tickle in my throat, but I didn’t feel achy and icky. We stopped at Starbucks on the way in for the Via challenge, where I totally guessed wrong because I assumed that the regular drip Pike’s Place must be the good-tasting one and the Via instant coffee must be the one that tastes like bitter crap. Surprise! I was wrong. I think they wanted you to think the Via tasted good, but their plan backfired because I now think that the Pike’s is horrible. No matter – it’s delicious when covered up with a bit of mocha flavoring and skim milk (my latest favorite way to take my coffee).
I worked a half day, taking vacation time for the second half in order to head for the airport early. After a quick flight to Boston, I hopped into a shared ride van bound for Manchester. Stephanie from Steph’s 50 Marathon Challenge was flying in from Cincinatti, and I’ll be meeting her and her mom to stay at one of her friend’s houses in New Hampshire for the night. This is her first double too, and we’re both pretty excited. Both Steph and her mom are running in New Hampshire, and then we’re headed up to Portland where I have a hotel booked for the three of us on Saturday night before Maine on Sunday. I also just found out that Marcy of the now-defunct blog I Signed Up For This?! is running the half in Portland, so I’m hoping to get to meet her as well.
But my most fervent hope? I’m still sick (not as bad as earlier in the week, but not in tip top shape), and the forecast for both days is cold and rainy. Plus the courses are rumored to be tough. Please, please, please let me make it through the weekend without getting pneumonia.