Today’s topic is stolen from a post on the Marathon Maniacs message board, which I figured would make for some good interactive fun here on my blog. The question was posted: what is your favorite spectator sign?
My favorite reply was from a newer member, Milkbaby, who said, “I like the big one that says “FINISH” at the end, does that count?” I’ll add my two cents that I actually prefer the 26 mile sign to the finish sign, because I know the finish isn’t far and I consider the last 0.2 to be a nice victory sprint. I usually pick up the pace and have a great time! In contrast, the finish sign just means, “oh no it’s over – when can I do it again?” 🙂
On the course, my favorite sign is the oft-used, “your feet only hurt because you’re kicking so much ass.” I know for an old TIART post I talked about alcoholic signs I like, but this non-alcoholic one just gets me smiling every time 🙂
This weekend I’m headed to the Alaskan wilderness to run Humpy’s Marathon. The reviews on Marathon Guide indicate that there aren’t almost any spectators on the course, and the fact that it’s supposed to pour all day will probably even further decimate the number of people who might come out. Therefore, I’ll need to think of my own motivational signs in my head and just pretend they’re out there. So I need your help: what are your favorite spectator signs?
At RNRAZ, everytime I saw a sign reminding me that there was free beer at the end, I picked up the pace. Free beer!!
I wish you were coming to Albuquerque…. then we could totally chill.
P.S. Whatever happened to TIART?
I like “The Kenyans are around the corner!” haha
Although I don’t personally have this problem, I like the sign that I have seen on more than one occasion that says, “Toenails are for sissy’s!”
I remember one particularly bad race that I had where one actually made me laugh out loud. It said:
“Don’t poop your pants!”
and then a few spectators down was someone who was obviously with the first holding a sign that said:
“No really!”
Makes me laugh just thinking about it.