April 12, 2009

Why can’t lying in bed to watch the Silverman Ironman on TV count as actually doing my long run?

Happy Easter everyone! It’s been a good weekend for me, though I kind of feel like a slug for not working out.

On Friday night, Boyfriend and I went to dinner and had a long talk that has made me so confident and happy in the relationship – it’s really exciting for me to have things going so well. On Saturday, we spent the morning together and then I spent the afternoon being productive – doing my laundry, cleaning out some of my drawers (my running stuff now takes up three drawers of my dresser), cleaning up my room, catching up on some TV, preparing for Easter brunch, etc. Later that night, my mom came into the city and Boyfriend and I took her to this great Greek restaurant, Kefi, for dinner and a belated birthday celebration.

This morning, we woke up for 8 AM Easter Mass, and then headed directly to Popover Cafe so I could break Lent with the best bread of all: a popover with strawberry butter. Mom and Boyfriend chose the coconut-crusted French toast as their entrees, but I opted for the healthier option of a crepe stuffed with roasted apples, pears, currents, brown sugar, and sour cream. I do realize that’s not remotely healthy either, but at least it didn’t sit in my stomach like the French toast has done when I’ve gotten it in the past (no matter how delicious it is at the time). God, I missed bread so much! I’m sure that adding it back into my diet will mean a massive weight gain, but while I miss things like brunch foods, pizza, and the bread basket at dinner, I have little to no interest in sandwiches anymore, so maybe that small change will help.

After breakfast, Mom and I went down to Times Square to attempt to get rush tickets to In the Heights, but didn’t get them, so we opted to hit up Macy’s and Bed Bath and Beyond to check out the registry for my brother’s upcoming wedding and try to figure out gifts (didn’t decide yet though). Next, it was off to my apartment to eat the Australian lamb stew and mushroom and sausage mini quiches I had prepped… and then I crashed. Boyfriend went off to work, Mom and I watched TV for a bit, and I tried to keep myself awake.

When Mom left at 5 PM, I had planned to try to do my long run (about 3 hours / 20 miles), but I am just wiped out. I ate so much this weekend and I feel gross, but I just have no interest in going for a long run. This is especially unfortunate in light of my decision yesterday to run the Charlottesville Marathon next weekend and get my 50 state goal back on track.

After seeing how easy my 14 mile run was last weekend, I’m really curious to see how well I can do in a full marathon after not running for two months. My comeback was going to be on the 25th at the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, but Boyfriend has said he’ll do the half marathon if I run it with him, so my time isn’t necessarily going to be representative of my abilities – I just want to stick with him and support him to the finish before continuing on with the second half. Also, I’ve heard that the Biggest Liar is running Nashville, so I’m hoping to find him in the crowd and get to meet him. If I do find him, I haven’t decided if I’ll be nice and friendly and helpful, or if I want to be indignant about how he insulted real marathoners by cheating and lying about it and pretending he did it. If I do find him, you can bet I’m going to stick with him to the finish and catch a ride make sure there are no vans “helping” him this time.

Anyone else running Charlottesville or Nashville? Any thoughts on whether it’s a stupid idea for me to attempt them both, with no training? Or any advice on what to say to Dane if I get to meet him? I love comments!


22 thoughts on “Why can’t lying in bed to watch the Silverman Ironman on TV count as actually doing my long run?”

  1. That crepe you described sounds delicious! My bf and I are running our first half marathon on may 3 and I’ve been training like crazy but he hasn’t. He did for about 6 weeks but hasn’t even ran once in the last 3! He claims he’s gonna start training again in the next 3 weeks so we’ll see how that goes. I’m not planning on waiting for him when we run though. Lol. I figure its his own fault if he falls behind since he didn’t train much!

  2. Good luck next weekend! I have no idea what I’d say to Dane if I saw him at the race… Probably something like, “good luck finishing the whole thing this time.” have fun!

  3. I thought what Dane/the Biggest Loser people did was really low and lame, but I think I’d have a hard time actually dredging up any dirty looks for him mid-run. I am really curious to see what he says when and if he completes the marathon. Maybe he’ll realize there’s a world of difference in those last few miles.

  4. I ran the Charlottesville Half a few years ago. It’s so pretty! Definitely on the hilly side though. The town of Charlottesville is really cool too if you’ve never been.

  5. I’ve never run the C-ville marathon, but I’ve heard great things about it. It’s supposed to be gorgeous. I lived there for two years while doing my MA at UVA, and I can vouch for the fact that it is a hilly area, and the grades range from friendly to brutal.

  6. I think I’d be too shy to go up to him 🙂 But then again, you never know 😉

    I wanted to go for a “long” run too this morning (ok, 5 miles…long for me!) but I was just too exhausted…figured sleep was better because without it, I know I’ll do awful on exams!

  7. I probably wouldn’t say anything to The Biggest Liar if I saw him on the course, but if you do, that’s great! When they posted the episode on the internet, they completely changed that part and it no longer says anything about a marathon race. That whole thing was really pathetic and made me look down on the show too:-( I love how people bring up him being LDS. Most of my best friends in high school were LDS and that shows how they are no better than anyone else, they just think they are.

  8. Sounds like a yummy way to break Lent! I have no clue how you have no interest in sandwiches…they’re my absolute favorite!! I can’t even imagine.

    If I saw Dane, I don’t think I’d be able to say anything! I’m too non-confrontational to say anything…

  9. I doubt you’ll be doing a 13 or 14 minute pace, so you’ll probably be way ahead of Dane.

    But, if you see him before the start, you should tell him good luck. That’s all.

    He crossed a blurry line between real life and a made for tv moment. Revelier, the production company is to blame much more than Dane, the tv contestant.

    Again, I’d take the high road and wish him well.

  10. Yay, good luck in Charlottesville and Nashville!! I’m sure you’ll do great!

    And as messed up as that whole Biggest Liar thing was, I think it would be best not to say anything negative to Dane if you see him; after all, the fact that he is showing up to another marathon shows that he really wants that marathon finish just like the rest of us. Thus, I think he should be shown the same respect as every other first-timer who toes the line in Nashville. Everyone deserves a second chance; especially when the ultra-manipulative field of reality tv was involved the first time around!

    I guess what I mean to say is that I just don’t think negativity belongs anywhere along a marathon race course, you know? Marathons are supposed to be life-changing events . . . and who wants to be responsible for ruining the marathon (and the running community, for that matter) for a participant?

    I have to agree with Pat that the best thing would be to simply wish him luck in the race.

  11. Hey, I skipped my long run too! Maybe it’s some little-known Easter tradition?

    I bet you’d be nice to the biggest loser dude if you saw him. Runners are generally nice people … that’s part of makes the sport so enjoyable.

  12. Sounds like you have a wonderful ‘lent-ending’ treat! And I love the title of your blog this week. That is how I feel when I am watching the biggest loser sometimes. That is until you inspired me to watch while I walk/run/elliptical. Good luck next week!

  13. CMM is on my to do list. Enojy! I’ve heard it’s a bit hilly and tougher than expected. But you are an experienced marathoner! Good luck!

  14. Hey! Not sure if the course is the same, but I ran Nashville a few years back and it was a great, well-run marathon, but it did have it’s fare share of hills. If you’ve been training with some hills you’ll probably be fine.

  15. Reach for the stars! And it’s a win/win. You get another marathon/state down and you get to support your boyfriend’s running endeavor…yummy.

  16. I just meet “the Biggest Liar” over the weekend here in Utah for the Salt Lake HALF Marathon. Both he and Blaine completed the half and are using it as a training for the CMM. He was really cool, and I even got a picture with them(yes, it’s on my blog, because I love Biggest Loser and I love the Black Team). But I wasn’t too upset about the whole thing with him not finishing the race… maybe I’m not a real runner?

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