November 18, 2008

Things are looking up

I still have my job. Rumor has it that more cuts are coming, but I’m in the clear – at least for now.

However, I’ve taken on an assignment writing running tips at BODiBEAT Blog! My first post is here – please check it out, leave your comments, and make me the most popular writer on the site 🙂 My second post should be coming out soon – I’ll be sure to link to it when it goes live.

In other news, I’ve now completed 10 marathons, and haven’t lost a toenail. Upon returning home from marathon #10, I accidentally kicked my suitcase while unpacking and stubbed my pinky toe really hard. The entire nailbed is purple, and it hurts to wear closed-toed shoes. It figures that I’d injure myself during the non-running part of my marathon trip!

For all those who questioned it, yes, I did run a 4:32 (actually, 4:31 chip time) while falling asleep in the middle. I suppose that should make me happy, but it’s kind of frustrating to think how well I could have done had I been well-rested! Here’s a picture of poor sad me a few minutes after I woke up on the course:

I looked peppier and better after finishing:

I’ve still been a bit tired the last day or two, though not nearly as much as last week, so I’m using a two hour stint on the elliptical tonight while watching Biggest Loser to be my barometer for if anything is actually wrong or if it was just stress.

If all systems are a go, I’m thinking of doing the Rehoboth Beach Running Company Seaside Marathon this Saturday in Delaware. Otherwise, the next one I have planned is the Atlanta Marathon next Thursday. Either way, it won’t be long till I’m back out pounding the pavement! I’m just glad I’m using that phrase to refer to running a marathon instead of trudging up and down the streets of the financial district getting discouraged that no company is hiring.


24 thoughts on “Things are looking up”

  1. that’s good news about the job! I can only assume that your two hours on the elliptical tonight is to watch Biggest Loser (on now)…OMG can I just say that I might have to punch Vicki in the face? I have never hated someone on TV so much!

  2. Hi Laura,

    First off, great blog. I have been checking-in on your Absolute(ly) Fit blog over the last few weeks and thought now may be a good time to reach out. You are doing an excellent job of creating community and interest with your writing.

    My name is Ryan and I’d like to know if you’d be interested in trying-out and reviewing (on your site/blog) an innovative new laundry solution for activewear clothing – ProWash activewear detergent.

    As you may already know, most athletic clothing these days is designed to retain sweat and maintain a dry feel to the skin, enhancing athletic performance and experience. However, when these same clothes are washed after a workout, ordinary laundry detergents are unable to remove the odors and bacteria, leaving them stuck in the nooks and crannies of high performance fabric. Fortunately, the creators of Dry Cleaner’s Secret have engineered an innovative solution: ProWash. Now, consumers have a product they can trust to quickly and easily clean and eliminate odors, bacteria and stains from activewear clothing.

    Do you think you would be interested in trying it out and posting a review about it on your site/blog? If so, all I need is your name and mailing address and I’ll mail you a full-sized container of ProWash to experience for yourself.

    Thank you for your kind consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Keep up the great work with your site/blog!

    Warm regards,


    PS – Here is a recent news article that articulately explores ProWash in detail:

    Ryan Wines
    R2C Group
    Client: ProWash – A Dry Cleaner’s Secret Product
    Phone: 503-222-0025

    For more information, you can explore:

  3. i am so relieved about your job!! i got laid off last week but i wasn’t in a career, just a part time job to get me through school. i can’t imagine how stressed you would be!

    congrats on the marathon time even while falling asleep! you’re my hero!

  4. Great pics, Laura! Also glad to hear your job is safe. Phew!

    2 hours on the elliptical – you go girl! Hope you had a great workout. I had to tape TBL last night so I’ll catch up on it this weekend.

  5. So glad to hear about the work-front. I’d been wondering.

    And I agree with Amanda – I was ready to spit in Vicki’s face via my TV screen, but the treadmill I was on was clear across the room and I know it wouldn’t have made it.

  6. glad to hear about the job! My dad is running the marathon 2-person relay this weekend in delaware. I wish I could do it, but my hamstring is still not 100%. Good luck – if you go!

  7. You are totally rockin out all the marathons this year! I would LOVE to meet up at the Rock N’ Roll marathons (I’m just doing 1/2’s…for now) next year!!! I’m definitely doing Nashville!
    PS- Great news with the JOB!

  8. 10 marathons?! Amazing! I hope to be able to say that some day! I just finished my first one in late September. It was great.

    I have a question for you regarding the message above from Ryan @R2C Group. He emailed me the same message and I just wondered if you contacted him back. I guess I’m kinda asking if you think he’s legit. Thanks for your time. My email is linden.mueller(at)

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