September 2, 2008


This morning’s post is a random collection of things I want to post that I’m not even going to bother trying to link together.

Public service announcement: check out the Runner’s Wave.

Can anyone explain to me what the course for the Queens Half-Marathon is like? NYRR’s explanation kind of sucks. Specifically: does it loop? Is it hilly? And is the start hopefully close enough to the finish that my mom will be able to find her way between the two even though she’s severely directionally challenged? I am doing it no matter what, because I want to finish all five in the half-marathon series; I hope I don’t have to walk it due to my knee. It seems better, but since the pain comes on so seemingly randomly, I guess I won’t really know until I run more than 6 miles – I’ll give that a try this weekend.

Michelle posted an awesome link to the All Raw Directory, where I found a really awesome page on Raw Vegan 101. It’s all put into very simple terms, and while I’m not going to try to convert all of you to a raw vegan diet (especially since I haven’t even done that yet!), it’s definitely worth a read.

Speaking of which… yesterday I did well on my new plan. I used peanut butter (not raw, I know) in my kale smoothie for breakfast, had sunflower seeds in the afternoon, and some omega fatty acids in the raw salmon I had with dinner. This week is going to be a little weird for me food-wise because I’m probably going to be eating out constantly, but the goal is that even if I don’t eat raw or vegan, to still get healthy fats at each meal.

I’m hopefully signing the lease on my new apartment today, and then moving in next Friday. However, I’ve decided that since I’m going to be there for two years, it’s definitely worth it to paint my room. The walls are going to come white, but my furniture is also white, so a color would be much nicer. However, I’m having some trouble figuring out exactly what color. Here is a picture of my bedding set, and I have curtains that are the same exact blue as the comforter (in that picture, the comforter looks striped, but it’s actually only the bottom few feet that are striped – the rest is solid blue). I picked it originally because it had enough pink to make me happy and be sufficiently feminine, but wasn’t over-the-top pink. (I did use light pink solid sheets in addition to the white ones with pink flowers though!) I love the bedding and I want to keep it, but I want to make sure my room doesn’t end up like a little kid’s room – I think painting the walls pink would be a bit juvenile with that bedding set (see, this is a bit much for me). So I was thinking a warm-toned light tan would be simple and nice, or maybe a cool-toned really pale lavender (probably paler than that pic)? Would love all your thoughts.

Train is pulling into the station – off to the boy’s, then the leasing agent’s, then work!


15 thoughts on “Miscellany”

  1. Check out my report on last year’s Queens Half on my blog…I think I included a link to the course map in there. It is hilly unfortunately…felt like mountain climbing!! (the SF half felt easier!) Hence the reason why I am preferring to run a flat half-marathon this fall 🙂

  2. My brother suggested that too! Yellow is my favorite color so I’d definitely consider it… just wasn’t positive how it would look with the pink and blue. Next weekend I’m going to hit up the paint store with my sheets and comforter in hand so I can match swatches 🙂

  3. Start and finish are very close together at McNeil Park. They usually post the actual map a week before each race. Used to be a 2 loop course, but now is a big 1 loop course. I don’t recall the new course being too hilly – definitely much better than races in Central Park. There are some hills, but they are over quick.

    My problem with the course is the million (or so) sharp left or right hand turns you make through the residential neighborhoods.

  4. Ooh, I really like that idea too Christine! Plus the advantages of that and tan as neutrals are that I could switch my bedding to something totally different and wouldn’t need to repaint.

  5. glad to know the map helped-as far as I know, it is gonna be the same course again. thanks for the offer but I have sworn that I will never run that race again!! 😀 (that plus i am doing a 20-mile run the day before.)

    I personally like the pale lavender that you posted the best-it seems to have a bluish tinge with goes with your bedding set…
    (then again-I prefer “cool colors”…like blues and purples)

  6. Hi Laura,
    I like the grey as well!!! It is quite soothing!!

    I am very glad you found info in the raw directory!! It seems to be a great raw resource!!!

    Be careful running OK? I wanna see you completing all your races!!!


  7. Hi Laura, I know nyflygirl beat me to it, but I respectfully disagree. I totally love the Queens Half course. I might be biased because I grew up there, but I think the neighborhood has a lot of beautiful houses and awesome scenery. (Read my race report from last year – there’s a reason I titled it “The Best Run Ever!”

    Yes, I won’t lie, it is a bit hilly, but after doing san francisco, it’ll be a cake walk for you. I really didn’t feel the hills were all that tough to tell you the truth. The roads are all very well paved and there’s a lot of trees and shade so you’re never exposed to the sun.

    I wish I could run it again, but I’m leading the 20 mile training run in central park the day before so I won’t be able to do it.

    In my opinion, out of all five NYC half marathons, it is the most scenic. While I was running it last year, I totally thought I was in Connecticut or some small town in suburbia.

    Anyway, just my two cents.

  8. Laura – Here’s what I’d do in your bedroom. Actually, a choice of two colors. I take the blue of the bedding stripe, go to the paint store, and select something 2 to 3 or more shades deeper for walls and ceiling. It will give your bedroom a dramatic look. You could also select the very deepest rose color from the flowers and do the walls/ceiling in that color. (Deep teal would be gorgeous if that is the shade of blue you’re dealing with. Hard to tell on a computer monitor.) I had a deep sky blue guest bedroom in my northern Minnesota home with white furniture and carpeting a couple of shades lighter than the walls. It was my favorite room. I’d go with the blue before the deep rose because you can so easily use the deep rose for accents in additional pillows, a vase, flower painting, and, blue is more restful. The deep blue color will envelope you, like a cozy den and it will give the room a sophisticated look. Good luck. Constance

  9. I agree… The NYRR description of the queens half is crap and kind of doesn’t make sense. I read nyflygirl’s description and I’m not looking forward to this one.
    As a guy, I say go with the most neutral color you can stand (a) so you have more options should you choose to get new bedding and (b) so “the boy” is comfortable if/when he visits. You dig?
    Hope the knee is feeling better. REST IT!!!

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