August 22, 2008

Hello from my layover!

It’s a good thing my race is tomorrow, or I’d be giving up the raw vegan diet and trading it in for the “all froyo all the time” diet. Seriously, the Denver airport has not one, not two, but THREE froyo places in the main terminal. I peeked in one (hey, it was combined with the sandwich shop where I grabbed lunch) and they had eight flavors of regular hard ice cream and TEN flavors of soft serve froyo! I’m a little nervous for when I fly back on Sunday… my flight from Denver to New York is overbooked, and I want to try to volunteer in order to get a free roundtrip voucher, which means I would be stuck in Denver for a while. And with the justification of the marathon the day before, it would be easy to turn into a froyo monster.

However, I have a very strict “no dairy or sweets” rule in place for the last day or two before a marathon, By “very strict,” I mean yesterday I broke it and split a pumpkin scone and a blueberry scone at this amazing tea place, Alice’s Tea Cup. Seriously this place is adorable, and I was meeting up with an old friend who I hadn’t seen in a few years. It was totally worth it 🙂

Nothing really new to report. I finished Bitter is the New Black on the flight here and totally loved it – go read it if you can. In other news, airports feel so comfortable now, like home to me. Come to think of it, I probably spend more time in airports than I do at my home.

Will keep you all updated on the weekend!


7 thoughts on “Hello from my layover!”

  1. Good luck, and TOTALLY GO FOR THE FROYO on your way back.

    By the way, where’s the love for us half-marathoners in your last post? You used to be one of us, too. (j/k, but don’t go hatin’)

  2. Topher, I’m def not hating on the half marathoners… I just always curse you all when you get to turn off a race and I have to keep going! Gotta come up with some (mean-spirited) way to make myself feel better 🙂

  3. I’ll have to remember Alice’s Teacup if I ever go to NY! Since you liked Bitter is the New Black, you definitely need to read Bright Lights, Big Ass; and her latest book, Such a Pretty Fat, which had me laughing out loud on a plane to St. Louis! Also check out her website/blog, Good luck in the marathon!

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