August 28, 2008

Busy busy

Wow, after my posting blitz of like ten posts on Sunday, I didn’t post all week. It’s been a crazy one! I took all your doctor advice to heart, and ended up calling the Hospital for Special Surgery, who had two doctors that you guys recommended. As luck would have it, neither Dr. Halpern nor Dr. Metzl had openings, but I got one tomorrow with Dr. Demorest, who looks great. She specializes in female athletes, and has even published this article on preventing marathon injuries. My knees have still been sucking all week (even swimming hurt – I resorted to doing crawl and dragging my legs behind me and not kicking at all, while the little kids laughed at what they thought was pathetic kicking technique). The left knee was still way worse than the (originally painful) right, and both hurt a lot even when I went to bed last night at 2 AM. However, five hours later I woke up – and they’re miraculously better! It figures that the symptoms would clear up right before I go to see a doctor who can actually figure out what’s wrong. I’m going anyway though, because I don’t want a repeat performance.

So I’m in the office today, waiting for my new laptop to be ready (it has Vista… ew). We have a bank of computers for situations just like this, when people have to wait a few hours for theirs to get fixed. Unfortunately, they’re not in enclosed offices – they’re cube-like spaces in the middle of the hallway, so you hear everyone’s conversations as they say hi to each other in the halls. And then I hear a snippet of conversation: “…she’s running a marathon in each of the fifty states and trying to break a record. She’s done like ten so far!” I immediately started flipping out: who’s ahead of me?! Not okay!!! So I head over to find out who it is (that I need to sabotage), and I see my favorite senior manager, the one who I watched run the NYC Marathon last year and who inspired me to do a marathon. He was talking my accomplishments up to a partner! He was just mistaken about how many I had done so far. I felt so special 🙂

Tomorrow: doctor’s appointment in the AM, moving my life into storage in the afternoon, and then starts two weeks of homelessness. My apartment lease is up on August 31 and there is a two week gap until my new apartment will be ready, so I’m going to be living up in Albany with my parents and then crashing on my friends’ couches in New York when I need to be here. The boy offered for me to stay with him, but I didn’t want to impose and felt that it would be too much too soon if I did that for more than a night or two. I am, however, staying with him this weekend (my lease isn’t up but my bed will already be gone) in order to go wine touring on Long Island and then out for various parties at night. Yay for alcohol!


12 thoughts on “Busy busy”

  1. My body always does that too. As soon as I make a dr.s appointment I am miraculously healed. It drives me crazy and makes my doc think that I am a hypochondriac.

    Good Luck,

  2. Good luck seeing the Dr. I agree – you should still go and let him know you’re not feeling it right now, but have been. Obviously, something needs to be fixed or worked on. Have a good weekend!

  3. that always happens to me! if i make a dr. appt whatever it is goes away… good job for going and getting it taken care of anyways! good luck – i hope its nothing!

  4. I haven’t read in a while but good luck with the knee. FWIW, J Metzl is a friend and AWESOME. The top sports doc in the city for runners. atylo

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