July 17, 2008

No commitophobia here!

Congratulations! You are registered for The San Francisco Marathon™.
Bib number: 5783
We look forward to seeing you on Race Weekend!
RunSFM Race Staff

I know Lam is in… anyone else? Maybe a little running blogging friend meetup on Sat at the pasta dinner or Sun at the post-race barbecue? There are also a ton of Marathon Maniacs going, so it’ll be great to have lots of people to meet.

I AM SO PSYCHED! This time there will be no DNF.


18 thoughts on “No commitophobia here!”

  1. How fun! It’s an awesome course so you’ll have a great time. My friend is running the marathon so I plan to be there – might do the 5K actually and try again for a PR…

  2. But will the timing chips work?

    Ok, now I’m jealous. I’ve wanted to run the SFM for years, but it just hasn’t fit in my schedule.

    BTW, I like how you have to go all the way to California to meet the Laminator when you both live in the same city.

  3. So glad you’re willing to give SF a try again! You’ll have a great time. I hope to do the half, but not ’til next year. 🙂

    Thanks for the comment on consulting. Very helpful!

  4. I agree with sRod that meeting up in Cali when we both live in NYC is kinda strange. Still, we’ll meet up and run…just to make sRod doubly jealous! Can’t wait!

  5. That sounds like a cool race. I’ll go…if you can foot the bill for everything and squeeze a few vacation days out of my boss.

    BTW, congratulations on shaving 10 mins from your 15k!

  6. Hey! Happy to see that you’re headed back out to SF again! Hope your racing experience is better than the last time you were out here (bay to breakers mayhem!!). I’m doing the 5K that morning that I think precedes the marathon… Maybe I’ll see you out there!

  7. miles 1-5 are easy and flat and so pretty along the embarcadero, then around mile 5 is the biggest hill of the race up to the GG bridge. the bridge is tougher than i thought – windy, cold, wet, constant incline, but SO awesome to be running on!! then there are rolling hills (not too steep but still tough) through the presidio down through GG park. i think you are out of the park around mile 20 and head back… i havent ran any of the route after GGP but i think the hardest parts are over! you are awesome at hills though so you will do great!

    i am going to my team pasta dinner, and not sure about the post race BBQ yet… but i will let you know. i will definitely be at the expo though!

  8. Hi Laura!!
    This is great finding a network of women runners… Especially when running the same race! It sounds like you’ve run SFM before? Am I correct? Hey, just noticed you’re in Manhattan!! I just moved back from NYC in May. I was living in the Upper East Side before I moved back to Northern California. I really really miss running around Central Park!! I was just talking to my running buddy from NYC and he said it was super hot and humid in NYC this week. I don’t miss that part… Ooh a running blog meet up before or after the race sound like a great idea. When are you picking up your race bib??


  9. Julianne – I’ve never run SFM before, and am really excited about it! I live on the UWS and love running around Central Park and also down the West Side Highway, but I travel for work four days/week, so I’m rarely around. Fortunately, I missed the heat wave! I’m going to be at the expo pretty much all Saturday afternoon – will you be around for any of the lectures? Or maybe the pasta dinner?

  10. Awesome. I am so jealous and in the same boat as Nitmos on this one, lol! I think it’s a great city and the views you get along the water are spectacular. (It’s actually been my desktop for a while.) HAVE FUN!!

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