July 25, 2008

Healthy Meal: Kale Breakfast Smoothie

I mentioned that after running camp I wanted to start trying to eat cleaner foods. One thing I had at camp that was incredible is a raw breakfast smoothie.

In a blender, combine:
2 cups raw kale
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup almond milk

Blend until smooth. If desired, add flax seed. However, I’m going to be eating a lot of protein later, so I skipped it. Also, it’s better if you chill after blending, but I was impatient and ate it at room temp 🙂

Nutrition info:
68 calories for the kale
90 calories for the banana
35 calories for the blueberries
40 calories for the almond milk
Total: 233 calories, 3g fat, 9g fiber, 7g protein
Great source of Vitamins A, C, B6, and K

Review: 5 stars
Easy, delicious, and nutritious! It’s very green, which may be offputting to some, but I promise – everyone at camp who tried it loved it. The texture is a little bit gelatinous, like pudding, which I like – although I put it in a glass, I ended up eating with a spoon. However, you can add ice if you want it to be more like a smoothie.


16 thoughts on “Healthy Meal: Kale Breakfast Smoothie”

  1. I love green smoothies – it’s my breakfast standby!!! This sounds pretty similar to the one I drink a lot. I use:

    2 handfulls of kale
    2 dates
    1 small apple (cored)
    1 c. frozen berries
    1 Tbsp. flax oil
    2 Tbsp. Spirulina
    3 c. water (this can be adjusted to how thick or runny you like)

    It makes a few cups so I usually just put the leftovers in the fridge for later. I’ll have to try the version you posted…my mouth is watering already thinking of it, haha.

  2. Kale! Ha! I always remember this one line from Cheers where Woody gets hooked on a vegetable drink because “You can really taste the kale!”

  3. I just don’t know…looks like I imagine it might look on the way out. And that’s somewhat less than appetizing.

    However…In my own efforts to eat clean, maybe I’ll try it. Maybe.

  4. Xenia, I can’t even tell you how delicious it is. The kale doesn’t have a strong flavor at all, and bananas are pretty overpowering in any recipe so you mostly just taste them.

    Christine, I LOVE frozen bananas, and freezing things doesn’t hurt the nutrients at all. Unfortunately I was out of them and just had to make a grocery run, which is why all my ingredients were room temp.

    Run for life, that one sounds great – will definitely have to try it!

  5. I’ve made stuff like that before and it’s kind of funny: when you make it and know how healthy it is, it tastes even better. Kudos to embracing your new clean eating!

  6. So happy to find another runner girl who’s a green smoothie lover too! I make something very similar most mornings for me and my husband to split, using fresh spinach, kale, 1/2 of a banana, frozen berries or mixed fruit, and fresh lemon.

  7. OK, I FELT like I eat a pretty damn healthy breakfast. Now I’m feeling like I have the equivalent of donuts and a Bloody Mary.

    But…kale? Not sure I can go that route. Kale works sauteed with some garlic and red bells. I need convincing about raw with bananas.

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