
July 20, 2009

Race Report: Missoula Marathon

This is a delayed race report. The actual race was run on July 12, 2009; I just suck at getting my race reports out in a timely manner. Stay tuned all this week for me to hopefully catch up! I was jolted awake this morning to the phone ringing (our wakeup call). That was followed in quick succession by the alarm clock, my cell phone alarm, my laptop alarm, and Donna’s cell phone alarm. We had really covered all our bases! Unfortunately, what I hadn’t covered was the fact that I got really involved in reading Stephenie Meyer’s Breaking Dawn …

Race Report: Missoula Marathon Read More »

July 9, 2009

Negative posts and negative splits

Wow, I have really sucked at posting lately! I blame this on my company’s use of Twitter to push out some new sale fares. Like most of my coworkers, I had never used Twitter before, so we created accounts in order to see what all the buzz is about, and now I’m having a ball searching for twits about my company and then responding to them. With that kind of posting going on during the day, I get home feeling like I’ve already had my social media fix, which has caused me to really neglect the blog! I’ve been cranking …

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