
May 3, 2010

Night Before the Race: New Jersey Marathon

Friday night, my flight home from Chicago was canceled, and they had rebooked me on Saturday morning to return home. Yikes! Cutting it too close for comfort for me to get to New Jersey on Saturday, plus I didn’t want to stay in Chicago for another night. Fortunately, I persuaded the gate agent to let me try my best to dash through security to catch the 5pm flight (the only one that hadn’t been canceled), and it worked – I was the last person to board the plane, but I got home safe and sound. My mom drove down from …

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April 15, 2010

Race Report: Olathe Marathon

I arrived in Kansas City after a very smooth nonstop flight from New York, and met up with my new friend and roommate, Morgan. My friend Jackie had organized the room plan for herself, me, Morgan, and another guy Eric, and I was shocked when I found out Morgan was about my age and worked in revenue management for another airline. You mean there are two of us who do marathons? So cool! We had about a 30 minute drive from the airport to Olathe, Kansas, where the marathon was, and we chattered nonstop about the airline industry and various …

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March 25, 2010

Race Report: National Marathon

I took a half day at work on Friday so my mom and I could get out on a 1:30pm flight. I was so thrilled to have her with me for this trip! My mom is so supportive and I just love having her along with me for marathons. This one was especially nice because it was a quick and easy trip that I knew she’d enjoy (she’s not a fan of long plane rides). We arrived in Dulles around 3pm, and were quickly met by my friend Jackie’s husband, Pons. Jackie and Pons live right near the airport, so …

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October 28, 2009

My pacer for Sunday has fallen through!

An e-mail from my uncle: Laura…….Stuey wanted to run alongside you this weekend to inspire and coach you to another fine performance but so far, he hasn’t been able to find his other pair of running shoes.You may have to start without him.Look for him at the finish line!Good luck!We’ll be hoping all the runners from Kenya trip or fall down.Marty

September 13, 2009

Night Before the Race: Lewis and Clark Marathon

Saturday morning found me up at 4:30 AM, probably too early to even be termed morning. Actually, Boyfriend contemplated staying up all night instead of waking up to see me off, but ultimately decided to sleep. I purposely showered the night before and laid all my clothes out, so I managed to get out the door in 15 minutes – a new record for me. It helped that Boyfriend wasn’t going with me so I felt no need to put makeup on or look pretty 🙂 The subway to the airport was fairly uneventful, other than the fact that it …

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