
June 1, 2012

Race Report: Vermont City Marathon

Going into the weekend, I was really excited. While I had a few “obligations” (working the expo booth, doing an hour-long talk on my marathon journey, and of course running the marathon), it was all stuff I was excited to do. Plus, I had plenty of downtime to catch up on sleep, drink beer, eat my favorite pizza, and hang out with my mom, whom I hadn’t seen in a while. This was exactly what I needed to start blowing my self bubble back up! Maybe the key to balance is just taking more weekends like this, and/or actually using …

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April 20, 2012

Race Report: RnR USA Marathon

This race report has been a few weeks coming – but this time, for a different reason than just not having the time to write it. Even during the race, I was wondering how I was going to write about it later (ugh, I sound like such a blogger cliche), because it was really a not-very-fun pacing experience for me (as you’ll soon see). Then I got so far behind, that I personal-paced another race in between, and that one was pretty much the best pacing experience of my life! It made it a lot easier to write this one …

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May 1, 2011

Making My Marathon Comeback

So now that I’m being honest, I can admit that I was terrified in the days leading up the New Jersey Marathon. After my failure at the National Marathon (which I haven’t even finished writing a race report for, since I was so embarrassed to finish 2 minutes late), I was terrified about pacing again. What if I just sucked as a pacer now? Maybe I should quit running marathons and move onto something else… though I couldn’t imagine what that would be. Since I knew that the cold I had before National Marathon had a lot to do with …

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March 28, 2011

Race Report: National Marathon (Part 1)

Unfortunately, I did not sleep very well on Friday night. I had gone to bed around 9:30pm, but had to be up at 4:45am for my very early ride to the start. I just kept waking up over and over, thinking I had missed my alarm and was late. Every time, I kept not looking at my cell phone to see what time it was, because I didn’t want to get completely woken up by the bright light. I figured that if I HAD overslept, my phone would have been ringing by now… but because I didn’t check, I kept …

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March 23, 2011

Sick and nervous

Ever since getting back from Denmark, I’ve been even sicker than before. No surprise, I suppose – biking around without adequate gear on in 30 degree temps, drinking a ton of beer while sick, and then spending 8 hours locked in a metal tube with plenty of other germy people will do that to you. With the National Marathon coming up on Saturday, I knew I needed to recover… but that’s been harder than I thought, and now I’m starting to panic. Today, a coworker asked me how I was feeling, and I told him that I was really nervous …

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