
January 3, 2013

My Commitment! January Challenge

My New Year’s Eve was quite a bit more epic than expected. After going through some changes over the holidays, I was looking forward to spending the night with friends but not doing anything too crazy. Kristine, Beth and I decided that we’d spend the holiday in quite a healthy way – joining NikeNYC for a celebration at their store followed by a group run to ring in the New Year. Now, when I hear “celebration in a running store,” I think of a group of 20 runners hanging out in a fluorescent-lit store, perhaps with a few bowls of …

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November 8, 2012

Early Rising in October

Remember how I did Alcohol-Free August? And then the half-assedly-titled Get-Smarter-In-September? Well, I did a little month-long habit forming challenge in October, too; I just didn’t write about it till now. For the month of October, I vowed to wake up earlier every day. With my job, it’s really difficult to work out at night. I never know if I’m going to get to leave the office at 6pm (OMG early day!) or 10pm. Even if I do get out early, I also never know if there’s going to be some kind of team dinner planned – in which case …

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September 8, 2010

Just call me your resident celebrity marathon trainer

I wrote this yesterday but held off on posting it until I could finalize it. Now I’m ready to make it live and give the full report on some big news! Some of you may have heard of Justin Gimelstob, the pro tennis player. His good friend Andy Roddick made a $10,000 bet with Justin that he couldn’t run a marathon. After all, Justin’s a tennis player, not a distance runner. Furthermore, he’s had a broken foot in the past and still has some back injuries. Justin bristled, took the bet, and it was decided that the cutoff time for …

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September 3, 2010

Men are from Mars, women don’t waste time during workouts

This morning, I was meeting a friend for breakfast at 7am, which meant I had to get up at 5:30am to get a decent strength training workout in. My gym is pretty empty at that hour on the Friday of a holiday weekend, so I had the opportunity to really observe the two or three people that were there. Now, beyond the obvious observation that more women do cardio and more men do weights (I am a total sexist about this and have to suppress a giggle whenever I see guys under the age of 60 on the elliptical… man …

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January 7, 2009

Short and sweet: kicking your routine up a notch

Today I worked from home, and I finished my work 30 minutes before the conference call we had to discuss our progress. So what? Well, that meant I could squeeze in a quick 15 minutes down at the gym before I had to be back to collect everyone’s work and compile it into a deck. You may be chuckling to yourself, thinking, “she’s going to spend only 15 minutes at the gym? That’s nothing!” If that’s your thought process, you are sadly missing out on one of the best motivational techniques of all: the short but sweet workout. I first …

Short and sweet: kicking your routine up a notch Read More »

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