
April 4, 2016

April Challenge: Sleep 8 Hours a Night

As I mentioned in Thursday’s post, last week was a bit crazy, and I have definitely not been getting enough sleep. That trend has unfortunately been continuing for a while. I knew it had gotten bad when I was thinking through my schedule last Sunday night (March 27), and starting a personal countdown to Thursday April 7. Why April 7? Well, I target that as being a night when I would likely be able to go to bed at a reasonable hour, wake up at a reasonable hour, and finally be an opportunity to get eight hours of sleep! It was definitely …

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March 2, 2016

Book Review: Mastering the Art of Quitting


The last two weeks have been rather crazy – lots of stress, some tears, and a lot of late nights at the office. I haven’t had nearly as much time to read as usual, but tonight I finally finished my latest book, and I really loved it! I first heard about Mastering The Art of Quitting: Why It Matters in Life, Love, and Work when I read about it in Tess Vigeland’s Leap, which I read last year. But just like Leap, Mastering the Art of Quitting isn’t just for people looking to quit their jobs (or their relationships, or life). It’s …

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February 29, 2016

Stressed Out: Time to Take Action


It’s Monday, and… ugh. I had a pretty lonely and frustrating weekend, with the exception of a small get together to watch the Oscars last night. Is it sad and workaholic-ish that I’m excited to go back to work just to get away from my personal life? (Except also, not excited for work because it has gotten rather stressful with far too much for me to do. I need to clone myself to have any hope of tackling my ever-growing to-do list! It seems there is no respite from stress…) So what’s up in my personal life? Well, going through …

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February 12, 2016

Learning to Ask For Help

This week marked the beginning of Lent, and while traditionally you give up something bad for the forty days, I decided that I was going to spend this Lenten season adding something positive instead. I promised myself that I will go to church at least once a week between now and Easter – and that while I’m at it, I’ll “church shop” and check out some new-to-me churches in my area. Although I was raised Catholic, I’m also going to try out some Lutheran and non-denominational churches as well. I figure the point is more to go to church and …

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January 30, 2016

Book Review: This Is Your Brain On Sports


The weather in Colorado this weekend is absolutely perfect for all the activities I love. It’s in the 60s at home, and while making a trip to the grocery store I saw dozens of bikers and runners soaking up the sunshine. And if you head out to the mountains, it’s the most insanely perfect bluebird ski day – a big dump of fresh powder last night + gorgeous blue skies and mild temperatures today. Unfortunately, thanks to a dumb cold, I’m stuck home on my couch… so I’m trying to make the best of it by getting some quality reading …

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