
June 4, 2008

Albany Cross-Fit Results

Race stats:Distance: 3.1 milesTime: 26:08 (exactly one minute behind my race that morning!)Pace/mile: 8:26Overall place: 52/77Age group place: 3/5 (sadly no age group awards were given) Horrible picture, but it’s here if you want to see (Blogger keeps erroring when I try to add photos). Also, my marathon post is entirely done except for being unable to upload photos – will do that in the morning. This time it’s actually not my fault, I swear!

June 1, 2008

Race Report: Albany CrossFit 5K

I was waiting to post this report until results came in, but they’re still not up yet, so I’ll post now and update later when I find out my official time and get the pics. Right after posting my last race report, I headed off to my next race! Well, actually I headed over to my dad’s house to pick up my little sister. She’s four years old (but will be five on Monday), and was so excited to come watch me race that she came running out the front door of the house, tripped on a power drill cord …

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May 31, 2008

Race Report: Freihofer’s Run for Women 5K

It was supposed to rain and thunderstorm all morning, and I was thrilled. Unlike most races, where I dread the sight of rainclouds, I was hoping that the storms might keep some people home from the race and make it easier for me to fight way through the crowds at the start. However, no such luck. Although it looked like it might rain, there were no drops falling from the sky, and as I got in the car, I told my mom that I was disappointed. It was probably going to rain, but because it wasn’t raining already, it didn’t …

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May 31, 2008

Impulsive moves: joining a running club and signing up for two 5Ks

Still not done with the marathon race report, but I did accomplish some running-related things tonight: signed up for two 5Ks, attended a pasta party for one of them, and joined a running club! Tomorrow is the Freihofer’s Run for Women, an annual 5K in Albany that attract a ton of elite talent every year. I’ve been attending since I was little, and last year was my first year running it. Basically everyone in the area who ever runs even 1/4 mile at the gym always does it, so last year I figured I’d throw my hat in. Unfortunately, with …

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