June 4, 2008

Albany Cross-Fit Results

Race stats:
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 26:08 (exactly one minute behind my race that morning!)
Pace/mile: 8:26
Overall place: 52/77
Age group place: 3/5 (sadly no age group awards were given)

Horrible picture, but it’s here if you want to see (Blogger keeps erroring when I try to add photos).

Also, my marathon post is entirely done except for being unable to upload photos – will do that in the morning. This time it’s actually not my fault, I swear!


4 thoughts on “Albany Cross-Fit Results”

  1. That’s a good pic! An action shot. Love the finish on the grass–reminds me of the old cross country days.

    Just read you’re going to sneak in a marathon at the end of June. Your Mom won’t like it when she finds out it’s 2 x the distance you tell her.

    Mom’s worry.

  2. LOL – you fib about the distance too? I got sold out by google though, Mom’s not that trusting of me ;-).

    I plan on spending loads of time on the internet thanks to your healthful advice 😉

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