
December 8, 2018

Weekend Recap: Thanksgiving

After getting back to the car post-turkey trot (race report here), it took a while for my hands to warm up. But warm up they did, and by the time everyone else got to the car, I was done feeling sorry for myself for how cold my hands were. And I was psyched to head to my brother’s boss’ house across the street for post-race brunch! My brother’s boss, Julie, lives in a classic and beautiful Victorian house right off Broadway in Saratoga… and when we stepped inside, I saw that not only had it been beautifully updated, but it …

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November 24, 2018

Weekend Recaps: Slowing Things Down


Combined recap of November 10-11 and 17-18. Thanks for putting up with my tardiness as I catch up on my diary 😉 With the election behind me, I’ve finally had a little bit of time to come up for air. These past few months have been jam-packed with events and obligations, so these last two weekends, even though I still had a lot of plans, it felt like I had so much free time. Friday after the election kicked off with some celebratory drinks with my two co-Trustee-elects and one of our local business owners who supported us. We haven’t …

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November 10, 2018

Weekend Recap: Election Weekend!


Weekend recap from November 3 and 4. This was the final weekend before the election (eee!), and as expected, things were a little hectic trying to make sure I finished strong, as people kept telling me to do. But how do you “finish strong”? With 80% of the ballots already turned in, it didn’t necessarily make sense to host an event or send out more flyers. My goal was just not to cause a scandal in these last few days 🙂 Friday night, my friend Vickee hosted a “holiday handmade” market at her house, inviting boutique businesses from all around …

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November 5, 2018

Weekend Recap: Halloween Festivities, Final Campaign Events, and Mountain Planning


Weekend recap from October 27/28. I wrote about last weekend being a turning point for my campaign, where I finally ditched my imposter syndrome and started feeling like I might actually win this. However, that made me a little worried… was I getting overconfident, and would I hit some major snag that would make me regret feeling so good? This weekend, at least, the answer was no. My weekend kicked off Friday promptly at 5:30pm, with a coffee meeting with two people who live in my town’s new downtown center. Most of the downtown center is still under construction, so …

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October 27, 2018

Weekend Recap: Hot and Cold


Weekend recap from October 13/14… I’m behind! My weekend kicked off on Friday night with a campaign event I had been looking forward to for a while. The Sports Stable, a big athletic complex in my town, has a cool space within it called Fairways at the Stable – which has a bar plus a number of golf, football throwing, and rifle shooting simulators. The owner of Fairways decided to endorse me and three other candidates, and he offered to host a free event for people to come try out the simulators and get to know us. I got there …

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