Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How to Keep Climbing the Ladder While You Work From Home. (New York Times)
The Ad Council vs. The Pandemic. (Morning Brew)
Retailers are eager to hire – if you’re a digital whizz. (Reuters)
Retailers Cut Back on Choices; ‘We Don’t Need Three Types of Red’. (Wall Street Journal)
5 Tips for Creating a Thriving Business With Your Best Friend. (Well & Good NYC)
Why returned goods from your online shopping splurges are ending up on eBay. (Fast Company)
Home Depot adds furniture, more home decor to its online inventory as shoppers redecorate amid COVID-19. (USA Today)
Has COVID-19 put an end to grocery store samples for good? Retailers weigh in. (Today Show)
A Difficult Winter for Sit-Down Restaurants Benefits Fast Casual Chains. (Morning Brew)
Is This A Dream? Sipping Jim Beam Cocktails In Giant Snowglobes — In Your Driveway. (Media Post)
Yes, Virtual Presenting Is Weird. (Harvard Business Journal)
Elon Musk Advises CEOs to Stop Wasting Time on PowerPoint, Meetings. (Wall Street Journal)
3 simple ways to become less anxious and more decisive. (Fast Company)
Acknowledge Your Mistakes and Move On. (Friday Forward)
Lessons From ‘Emily in Paris’: What the Netflix Show Taught Me About Confidence and Balance at Work. (Well & Good NYC)
Here’s how to (properly) put down your phone. (A Life of Productivity)
Build Mental Endurance Like a Pro. (New York Times)
How to Maintain a Friendship Through Life Changes. (Lifehacker)
After a Broken Bone, the Risk of a Second Fracture. (New York Times)
How Will You Know If Your Neighbors Have Gotten the Vaccine?. (Lifehacker)
Running Stairs: How It Will Make You A Better Runner. (Run to the Finish)
Travel and Coronavirus Testing: Your Questions Answered. (New York Times)
Key West’s Big Ship Ban Signals a Major Shift Ahead for Cruise Tourism. (Skift)
6 Ways Hotel Benchmarking Can Help the Hotel Industry Rebound. (Hotel News Now)
The Decline of the U.S. Has Already Begun. (The Simple Dollar)
Solo on the Holiday? Reach Out. (New York Times)
How to Manage the Winter Blues This Year Amid Covid. (The Simple Dollar)
How to Maintain a Long-Distance Relationship. (Lifehacker)
And finally, for a laugh: A 19-Year-Old Found Out She Had COVID While Filming A TikTok Taste Testing A Starbucks Drink. (Buzzfeed)
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