Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂
If I Don’t Learn How To Network Virtually, I’m Going To Feel Stuck in My Current Role—What Should I Do?. (Well & Good NYC)
How Tamagotchis and TI-89s launched lifelong careers in tech. (Zapier)
How to make zoom video meetings spectacularly successful. (David Jaxon)
Speaking Up at Work as the Only Woman on My Team Feels Impossible—What Should I Do?. (Well & Good NYC)
How Amazon Prime Day grew from 2015 to 2020 — and how it’s changed. (NBC News)
Kroger Spent Hundreds of Millions on Tech Before Covid-19, but It Wasn’t Enough. (Wall Street Journal)
Why Everything Is Sold Out. (The Atlantic)
Achievements Feel Better When They’re Earned. (Friday Forward)
News You Can’t Use. (Cornell Alumni Magazine)
‘3-Fold Stress’ Is Defining the Times and Making It Harder for All of Us To Cope. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Meet New People, Even at a Distance. (New York Times)
Clear Things Out. (Zen Habits)
Focus Week: Rediscover Depth. (Cal Newport)
Focus Week: Take Control of Your Time. (Cal Newport)
5 Things the Happiest Couples Have in Common, According to Over 11,000 Long-Term Relationships. (Well & Good NYC)
Egg Whites Are a Scam—Just Eat the Whole Egg If You Want To. (Well & Good NYC)
Yes, Fitness Can Be a Stress Reducer, but Here’s Your Reminder That It’s Not a Heal-All. (Well & Good NYC)
Just Like That, AirAsia Group Says It’s a Digital Lifestyle Company — Or Not. (Skift)
United becomes first US carrier to introduce rapid COVID-19 tests. (Future Travel Experience)
United Airlines Unveils New Algorithm to Help It Target Empty Flights. (Skift)
Doing the Dance: How Salt Lake City Phased Its New Terminal. (Cranky Flier)
New Guide Provides Roadmap to Travel Recovery in a Post-Pandemic World. (Skift)
All U.S. Hotel Sectors Saw a Profit in July — Yes, Really. (Skift)
Marriott in Danger of Losing 122 Hotels to Much Smaller Brand. (Skift)
The Crushing Reality of Zoom School. (Esquire)
The 5 Worst Pieces of Old-School Money Advice. (The Simple Dollar)
So You’re Ready For In-Person Dating? Here’s How To Do It Safely. (Well & Good NYC)
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