Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Is Conference Room Air Making You Dumber?. (New York Times)
Workers Love AirPods Because Employers Stole Their Walls. (The Atlantic)
No More Happy Hour: Japan Bank Boss Takes Aim at Drinks Culture. (Bloomberg)
Why You Should Be Playing Positive Office Politics. (Forbes)
13 Ways For Companies To Stay In Touch With Every Team Member (Even Remote Ones). (Forbes)
More Reasons to Turn Your Camera On. (Patty Azzarello)
How to Find a Mentor and Maintain a Meaningful Relationship. (Zapier)
Congress’s top staffers wield the power on Capitol Hill. Here’s why the vast majority are male.. (The Lily)
Macy’s Story pop-up is trying hard to be Instagram-friendly. (Quartz)
Procrastination Isn’t a Time Management Problem, It’s an Emotional Problem. (Zapier)
Putting Down Your Phone May Help You Live Longer. (New York Times)
Can technology make our commutes happier?. (Medium)
Why we idealize the past to only remember the good stuff rather than the whole story. (Well & Good NYC)
5 Nuggets of Productivity Wisdom from David Allen. (A Life of Productivity)
Work on Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses. (Zapier)
Track Your Activities Before You’ve Done Them. (Lifehacker)
Science says sighing is involuntary self care—not your inner angsty teen being rude. (Well & Good NYC)
STI testing for straight men is way more lax than it is for women, so that’s cool. (Well & Good NYC)
Eating Nuts During Pregnancy Tied to Brain Benefits in Baby. (New York Times)
Work Out and Chill?. (New York Times)
How I Achieved My First Eight Pullups. (Lifehacker)
If My Form Is So Good, How Come I’m Not Seeing Results?. (Greatist)
A Fast 5K. (Runners World) I often go out too fast, and have tried to curb that impulse, but this article makes me feel like maybe it’s actually a good strategy and I shouldn’t panic.
How to Carry Your Phone When You Run. (Lifehacker)
Rest Day vs Recovery Day: How to Maximize Your Training. (Run to the Finish)
6 things health experts do when they’re bloated AF. (Well & Good NYC)
Should You Worry About Sunscreen Seeping Into Your Bloodstream?. (Lifehacker)
Exercise by Walking the Whole Airport During Your Layover. (Lifehacker)
How to Reduce Waste While Flying. (Lifehacker)
JetBlue Senior Executive Marty St. George Is Leaving the Airline. (Skift) Marty is a phenomenal leader – huge loss for JetBlue!
Airlines are raising ticket prices this week. Here’s what that means for you. (Dallas Morning News)
Lufthansa Will Be First European Airline to Adopt Dynamic Pricing for Award Seats. (Skift)
Germany’s Airline Industry Has a Sexual Harassment Problem, Say Cabin Crews. (Bloomberg)
Unhappy with wages, airline caterers take step that could create travel ‘ripple effect’. (Dallas Morning News)
Will People Fly on the 737 MAX When it Resumes Flying?. (Travel Insider)
Uber to Launch Helicopter Rides in New York City. (Bloomberg)
How Popular Travel Sites Are Scamming You Into Booking Too Soon. (Room Key)
How OTAs All Claim to Have the “Best Price” on Hotel Rooms. (Room Key)
Increasing Guest Engagement and Revenues Using a Smartconcierge. (Hotel News Now)
Are Big-Name Conference Speakers Like Oprah and Bill Clinton Worth the Fees?. (Skift)
8 Genius Ways to Up Your Chili Game All Year Long. (Greatist)
Right to Repair Is Less Complicated and More Important Than You Might Think. (Gizmodo)
The 11 Life Lessons It Turns Out I’ve Taught My Six Kids. (Zen Habits)
Making Playgrounds a Little More Dangerous. (New York Times)
How to Help Your Kid Find Their People. (Lifehacker)
The Best Parenting Advice You’ve Ever Received. (Lifehacker)
And finally, for a laugh: Summer Break in the 70s Vs. Today. (Victoria Fedden)
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