Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How to Find Trustworthy College Admissions Advice. (New York Times)
The Batshit Lengths These Guys Go to Retire by Age 40. (Mel Magazine)
What to Do If You’re Paid Less Than a Male Co-Worker. (New York Magazine)
How to Keep Meeting Attendees Off Their Smartphones. (Skift)
Solving Amazon’s Fake Review Problem. (Travel Insider)
Give Yourself the Gift of Time This Week. (Lifehacker)
How to Start Doing a Thing When You Really, Really Don’t Want To. (Zapier)
You Need A Commitment Device. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Even if fake smiling can boost my mood, I don’t ever want to be asked to do it. (Well & Good NYC)
Stop Telling Your Kids Their Medical Procedure ‘Won’t Hurt a Bit’. (Lifehacker)
Sugary Drinks Tied to Shorter Life Span. (New York Times)
Chill Your Fish Oil. (Furthermore from Equinox)
People are cooking less than ever before—here’s why we’re determined to change that. (Well & Good NYC)
Talking to Children About Terminal Illness. (New York Times)
We’ve Been Taught the Outdoors is Skin-Care Enemy Number One—Here’s Why That’s Not Quite True. (Well & Good NYC)
Broken-Heart Syndrome Is Not All in the Head. (New York Times)
Behold, a rundown of people who are not the best fit to be your therapist. (Well & Good NYC)
Similar: How to Select the Right Therapist for You. (Lifehacker)
What’s Different for Men vs Women Running?. (Run to the Finish)
Why Lifting Weights Can Be So Potent for Aging Well. (New York Times)
Foam rolling’s secret perk? Doing it before a workout makes your muscles even more effective. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Stay in Shape While Traveling. (Nerd Fitness)
Travel Advisors Are Selling Trips as a Kind of Therapy. (Bloomberg)
5 Unique Experiences Hotels Can Use to Attract Guests. (Hotel News Now)
The Meticulous Detail and Effort Behind the Hotel Bathrobe. (Skift)
Heart Failure’ – The Leading Cause Of Bad Reviews. (Hotel News Now)
This Is the Proper Etiquette for Leaving a Hotel Room. (Lifehacker)
Emirates: The Media Company That Happens to Fly Jets Too. (Skift)
The Financial Hit to Airlines to Replace Grounded Boeing Jets. (Bloomberg)
When the MAX Was Grounded, American’s Scheduling Team Had a Big Problem to Solve. (Cranky Flier)
American to Keep 737 Max Grounded Through Mid-August. (Bloomberg)
Why it’s taking Boeing so long to fix the 737 Max software linked to deadly crashes. (Dallas Morning News)
Whether the MAX Should Have Been Grounded or Not, Boeing Finds Itself in Hot Water. (Cranky Flier)
Norwegian Air Retrenches as Boeing Grounding Thwarts Its Expansion Plans. (Bloomberg)
U.S. Major Airlines Restart Fight Over Open Skies. (Skift)
JetBlue Gives Back 10 Long Beach Slots But It’s Southwest That Might Suffer. (Cranky Flier)
This is exactly when to book a flight for the biggest savings, according to travel experts. (Well & Good NYC)
Business traveler alert: Delta is about to make it easier to take out your laptop. (Dallas Morning News) Hallelujah! I wish all airlines would get rid of reclining seats – there’s really no need to recline unless it’s a transcon / TATL / TPAC redeye.
Delta Frequent Flyers Are Fans of Less Seat Recline, More Laptop Room. (Skift) Sounds like I’m not the only one happy with this move.
Board Last When You’re Flying With Little Kids. (Lifehacker)
Biometric boarding initiative at New York-JFK. (Airport World)
New projects begin at San Diego International Airport’s Innovation Lab. (Airport World)
New Ski Pass Leads to Crowds at Jackson Hole Ski Resort. (Bloomberg)
Grate Your Butter to Soften It Quickly. (Lifehacker)
How to Repot Your Plants. (Lifehacker)
This, Apparently, Is the Optimal Driving Position. (Lifehacker)
I’m an introvert in a new city—here’s how I’m making friends. (Well & Good NYC)
Teach Your Kids to Fend for Themselves With These Everyday Tasks. (Lifehacker)
Give Your Anxious Child a Time for ‘Worry Questions’. (Lifehacker)
Password Security: How to Avoid the Most Common Password Mistakes. (Zapier)
How to Handle the Financial Advantages of Others Without Feeling Hopeless. (The Simple Dollar)
How to Decide What to Splurge On. (Lifehacker)
Frugal Food Spending for One: A Case Study. (The Simple Dollar)
What I Learned From Learning How to Say No. (Lifehacker)
3 actually compelling reasons to resist the urge to Google your date before meeting IRL. (Well & Good NYC)
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