Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Thousands of Women Say LuLaRoe’s Legging Empire Is a Scam. (Bloomberg)
How Successful People Deal With Rejection at Work. (Lifehacker)
I’m Procrastinating, Are You?. (Patty Azzarello)
Make Your Days More Productive by Timeboxing. (Lifehacker)
Behavior at Age 6 May Predict Adult Income. (New York Times)
Why Digital Detoxes Don’t Work. (Lifehacker)
Inbox zero is just a right-click away with the latest Gmail update. (Well & Good NYC)
Listening to Your Best Self: Five Practical Ways to Overcome Negative Self-Talk. (Laura Stack)
Add a ‘Stretch Goal’ to Your Day. (Lifehacker)
Why We Struggle to Make Time for Solitude. (Zen Habits)
How to talk about mental health in a way that’s actually helpful. (Well & Good NYC)
Inflammation in Midlife May Lead to Memory Problems. (New York Times)
Hydrate Like A Sponge. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Take 15 Tastes. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How to Track Your Food Without Counting Calories. (Lifehacker)
Disconnecting Calories From Exercise. (New York Times)
How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When It’s Cold Out. (Lifehacker)
Exercise May Help to Fend Off Depression. (New York Times)
The 20-Minute Hotel Workout. (Nerd Fitness)
This magical high-tech kettlebell is basically six kettlebells in one. (Well & Good NYC) I’m still not really understanding how the weight adjusts digitally??
Sun Country CEO Aims to Diversify C-Suite in Rebuilding Period. (Skift)
FAA Deems Boeing 737 Max Safe Despite Warnings from Other Regulators. (Bloomberg)
And then: FAA Grounds Boeing 737 Max Jets in Reversal of Earlier Stance. (Skift)
In Defense of Not Grounding the 737 MAX… Even Though It’s Now Grounded. (Cranky Flier)
Boeing 737 Max 8 pilots complained to feds for months about suspected safety flaw. (Dallas Morning News)
When is an Airplane (ie B737 MAX) Too Dangerous to Fly?. (Travel Insider)
How to Find Out If You’re Booked on a 737 Max and What to Do if You Are. (Lifehacker)
Southwest May Bear Biggest Brunt After FAA Grounding of Boeing Max Jets. (Skift)
Traveler Sentiment Tracking Gets Spotlight With Medallia’s Intent to Go Public. (Skift)
The Long, Sad Collapse of USA Today Travel. (Skift)
Survey: Frequency of Travel May Influence How Often Americans Eat Breakfast. (Hotel News Now)
How to Leverage Business Intelligence to Improve Hotel Performance. (Hotel News Now)
Need a Breath of Fresh Air? Hotels to the Rescue. (New York Times)
Choice Hotels Touts Its Tech Partnerships with Google and Amazon. (Skift)
2 Quick Tips: How to Save on One-Way Rental Car Reservations (They’re Often MUCH More Expensive). (Million Mile Secrets)
Advisors Tap Into the Changing Consumer Behavior of Boomer Travelers. (Skift)
Avoid These Unhealthy Responses to Rejection. (Lifehacker)
Have a Successful First Date by Planning the Same Date Every Time. (Lifehacker)
How to Survive Quicksand. (Lifehacker)
How to Maximize the Flavor of Lemon Desserts. (Lifehacker)
Be Super Cheap on Everything That Doesn’t Matter… But What Doesn’t Matter?. (The Simple Dollar)
How to Get Better at Crosswords. (Lifehacker)
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