A day late again! Sorry, everyone.
Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Want To Quit Your Job? Here’s A Handy Checklist For Thinking It Through. (Girlboss)
How to Have a Successful One-on-One With Your Boss. (Daily Muse)
All career advice for women is a form of gaslighting. (Quartz)
Paying the stereotype tax in poker. (Kottke)
In praise of power breakfast. (CNN)
How Far Can the Surveillance Economy Go?. (Harvard Business Journal)
One time it’s beneficial to be a little pessimistic? When you’re starting a business. (Well & Good NYC)
A Simple and Powerful Technique for Better Listening. (Psychology Today)
Stop Taking Fake Breaks. (Lifehacker)
4 Strategies for Overcoming Distraction. (A Life of Productivity)
Using certain fonts can help you remember those notes you type yourself not to forget. (Well & Good NYC)
This Is How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Kids: 5 Secrets From Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Related: Do Kids Feel Stronger Emotions Than Adults?. (Gizmodo)
4 Tiny Actions That Will Make You 10 Times Happier. (Greatist)
Keep Your Phone Off the Table. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How to Be Better at Parties. (New York Times)
How to Meal-Prep for a Party So You’re Not Doing Everything Last-Minute. (Greatist)
The science-backed case for being a “we” couple. (Well & Good NYC)
The Texting Compromise. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Choosing life in the face of depression. (Aetna)
Turning Pain Into Hope. (Washington Post)
How Many Weightlifting Sets Is Enough?. (Lifehacker)
Similar: In a Hurry? Try Express Weight Training. (New York Times)
The Best and Worst Foods for Sore Muscles. (Greatist)
There’s a great big world out there—so why aren’t you benefitting from hiking it yet?. (Well & Good NYC)
Let’s put this to bed: Is sleeping on the floor good for your back?. (Well & Good NYC)
Here’s the verdict on if rice is healthy, including the battle between brown versus white. (Well & Good NYC)
Oatmeal season is back: Here are 8 reasons to revive your love for the OG healthy breakfast. (Well & Good NYC)
Breaking the “Should” Habit Around Eating. (Mindful)
Is Whole-Fat Dairy Good for the Heart?. (New York Times)
Wellness Newsletter: Athleisure and Hospitality Brands Tap Tech Trends to Keep Up. (Skift)
Ryanair Pilots Get Paternity Leave in Carrier’s First Labor Pact. (Bloomberg)
JetBlue CEO’s Rationale on Higher Bag Fees: ‘We Hate Increasing Fares’. (Skift)
American Airlines’ new rebooking policy could mean longer waits for stranded passengers. (Dallas Morning News)
Similar: American is Limiting Reaccommodation Options for Travelers When Things Go Wrong. (Cranky Flier)
How Singapore Air Made Its Ultra-Long-Haul Route to New York Viable Again. (Skift)
Related: I Was on The World’s Longest Flight. It Was Brutal, But Better. (Bloomberg)
Bringing IoT to flight: Sensors, alerts, payments and more. (Wandering Aramean)
The website of British Airways needs to become clearer. (Economist)
British Airways Is Not Anybody’s Favorite Airline Right Now. (Bloomberg)
A Vision for American in Phoenix: Mountains to the World (The Optimistic View). (Cranky Flier)
Why Next-Generation Airline Retailing is no Longer a Futuristic Talking Point. (Skift)
Airline Passengers Welcome More Digital Solutions to Common Travel Problems. (Skift)
Airline pricing get smarter, and AI systems duke it out as competition intensifies. (Tnooz)
Experts ask: If ‘fees are a puzzle,’ is it time for warning labels on plane tickets?. (Dallas Morning News)
Combine data and psychology to lift revenues. (Tnooz)
Airport interest growing in Blockchain technology. (Airport World)
Chicago O’Hare to introduce new smart sensor parking guidance system. (Airport World)
Luxury Hotel Loyalty Programs Are Missing Out on Experiences. (Skift)
Apple’s New iPhone Push Notification Tweaks Could Help Travel Brands. (Skift)
Overhyped, Overrated Tourist Traps to Avoid at All Costs. (Far and Wide)
‘There’s a rock on this beach!’ and other awful tourist complaints. (Guardian)
Future of Electric Transportation Will Be on Two-Wheel Vehicles, Not Cars. (Skift)
How to Find – and Get the Most Value From – Your Local Discount Grocer. (The Simple Dollar)
Don’t Cheap Out on These Things, Says Reddit. (Lifehacker)
Lessons from the Average American’s Food Expenses. (The Simple Dollar)
Let Alexa Help Out Your Babysitter. (Lifehacker)
To Get Your Kid Moving, Walk Out the Door. (Lifehacker)
Millennials Kill Again. The Latest Victim? American Cheese. (Bloomberg)
How to Retire in Your 30s With $1 Million in the Bank. (New York Times)
Here’s a Hack for Alternate Side Parking in NYC. (Lifehacker)
How to Build a Life Worth Remembering. (The Art of Simple)
John Ruhlin on Gifting and Generosity. (Friday Forward)
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