Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

NYU To Cover Tuition For All Medical Students. (Huffington Post)
How to Find a Fulfilling Career and Change the World, According to Oxford Researchers. (The Simple Dollar)
Avoid this mistake if you want to reach the executive level sooner. (Patty Azzarello)
This Simple Trick Will Make You Happier and Better at Your Job. (Time)
How work kills us. (Medium)
What Marketers Are Doing Wrong in Data Analytics. (Hotel News Now)
Your Business is NOT Customer-Centric. Here’s Why.. (Full Contact)
Here’s where you should set your office thermostat to be the most focused and productive. (A Life of Productivity)
This 4-Day Work Week Experiment Went So Well, The Company Is Keeping It. (Science Alert)
How Not to Let Your Phone Ruin Your Vacation. (New York Times)
Related: Auto Reply: OOO enjoying sabbatical and finding my inner child. (LinkedIn)
The Real Cost of Phone Addiction. (Medium)
How to Make Friends, According to Science. (The Atlantic)
How To Become Ridiculously Self-Aware In 20 Minutes. (Medium)
How to Master Your Fear Like a Navy SEAL. (Medium)
Your Limits are Self-Imposed — You Are Capable of Greatness. (Medium)
Just, Yes.. (Ramshackle Glam)
“Finding balance” is burning you out—here’s what to aim for instead. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Prevent Injuries Even if You Work a Desk Job. (Better Humans)
You now have researched-backed permission to go ahead and Google that weird rash. (Well & Good NYC)
For Scientists Racing to Cure Alzheimer’s, the Math Is Getting Ugly. (New York Times)
Exercise Makes the Aging Heart More Youthful. (New York Times)
Alternative Cancer Treatments May Be Bad for Your Health. (New York Times)
The Strange Link Between Having a Baby and Running Faster. (Vice)
“Beautiful Sunday for a bike ride,” says the most overachieving pregnant lady…en route to give birth. (Well & Good NYC)
When We Eat, or Don’t Eat, May Be Critical for Health. (New York Times)
This app scans food labels in seconds flat to ensure they’re compliant with your diet. (Well & Good NYC)
Pretty much every keto no-no is a yes on this diet. (Well & Good NYC)
Eat Everything With Chopsticks. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Go Barefoot on the BOSU. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Is Exercise Stressing You Out? Try These 4 Strategies. (Greatist)
Balance Your Indoor and Outdoor Runs. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Set Compatible Goals. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Before You Flush Your Contact Lenses, You Might Want to Know This. (New York Times)
ATPCO patents new pricing methodology. (Tnooz)
Frequent Flyers Are Getting Happier With Most Airline Loyalty Programs. (Skift)
UK airline pax less satisfied, despite better search and booking processes. (Tnooz)
Ryanair’s battle with its unions gets nasty. (Economist)
When will Southwest Airlines fly to Hawaii? Here’s why the carrier hasn’t said yet. (Dallas Morning News)
Fly coast-to-coast in a lie-flat seat? This airline is testing whether you’re ready. (Dallas Morning News)
Airline stopovers: Big business or marketing malarkey?. (Wandering Aramean)
United’s Revenue Architect Plans to Add New Fees for Slightly Better Seats. (Skift)
American’s Current Strategy Has a Familiar Refrain: Follow Delta’s Lead. (Cranky Flier)
American Airlines Cites the Competition in Forcing Basic Economy Changes. (Skift)
easyJet’s new home luggage check-in service set to deliver customer experience, ancillary revenue and operational benefits. (Future Travel Experience)
Why Hotels Envy Airlines When It Comes to Managing Revenue. (Skift)
Marriott and Starwood Face Speed Bumps in Loyalty Merger. (Skift)
How Hoteliers Can Take Benefits from Blockchain Technology. (Hotel News Now)
Instagram’s Wannabe-Stars Are Driving Luxury Hotels Crazy. (The Atlantic)
‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Is Potential Bonanza For Singapore Tourism. (Skift)
The Digital Strategies Helping Cities Connect with Locals and Visitors. (Skift)
The Virtues of a Cheap Wedding. (The Simple Dollar)
The Frugal Improvement: 15 Money-Saving Tactics I Ended Up Liking Better, Regardless of Dollars and Cents. (The Simple Dollar)
The Twenty Dollar Swim. (Mr. Money Mustache)
Six Basic Steps Toward Easy Meal Prep at Home. (The Simple Dollar)
Any Salad Can Be a Summer Roll. (Lifehacker)
Would You Let Your Kid Watch “The Little Mermaid”?. (Kelly in the City)
Give Your Kid a Secret Code to Help Them Get Out of Sticky Situations. (Lifehacker)
How to Help a Teenager Be College-Ready. (New York Times)
The One Thing More Important Than “Quality Time”. (Greatist)
How to Email Someone You Haven’t Talked to in Forever. (Harvard Business Journal)
Trust But Verify (#138). (Friday Forward)
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