Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

What if we killed the job interview?. (Fast Company)
Interview: Tell Me Something About Yourself That’s Not on Your Resume. (The Balance)
Forget Suits. Show the Tattoo. Female Candidates Are Breaking the Rules.. (New York Times)
Lessons from A Non-Technical Marketing Intern at a Tech Startup. (Full Contact)
Moving company employee walks to work, gets a car from CEO. (Newsweek)
How Old Are Successful Tech Entrepreneurs?. (Kellogg Business School)
Do Your Employees Feel Respected?. (Harvard Business Journal)
What a group of Dutch nurses can teach Silicon Valley about the future of work. (LinkedIn)
Building Great Culture Isn’t Magic—It’s a Skill You Can Learn. (Heleo)
Should Leadership Feel More Like Love?. (Wharton Business School)
Research: Do People Really Get Promoted to Their Level of Incompetence?. (Harvard Business Journal)
Your job can make you a bad parent. (Salon)
How Orangetheory grew to dominate the boutique fitness industry. (Fast Company)
19 People Who Figured Out How To Make Life At Least A Little Bit Better. (BuzzFeed)
Wake up and literally smell the coffee to overcome every challenge of your day. (Well & Good NYC)
Stanford researchers: ‘Follow your passion’ advice could make you less successful. (CNBC)
The power of doing nothing at all. (Medium)
Breakups Suck—Here are 6 Ways to Move On. (Greatist)
Brain fog making it hard to work? Blame the heat wave—seriously. (Well & Good NYC)
How To Stop Worrying: 7 Powerful Secrets From Mindfulness. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
What You Truly Believe About Yourself Determines Who You Become. (Medium)
Why Doing Good Makes It Easier to Be Bad. (Nautilus)
There Are Two Ways to Read – One Is Useless. (Medium)
Why can’t we read anymore?. (Medium)
Time Management Is Not About Doing More, More, More. (Time Management Ninja)
What Productivity Hacks Really Work For You?. (Corporette)
Night Owls May Have Higher Depression Risk. (New York Times)
Want to Get Things Done Right? Here’s the Question You SHOULD Be Asking.. (Medium)
Why Doing Nothing Is One of the Most Important Things You Can Do. (Time)
The Benefits of ‘Tummy Time’. (New York Times)
Heading the Soccer Ball May Be Bad for Young Brains. (New York Times)
Rethinking Baby Food Pouches. (New York Times)
Why Does Sweetness Taste So Good?. (The Atlantic)
Is Organic Wine Really Better for You (and Your Hangovers)?. (Greatist)
Carb backloading is a buzzy ketogenic diet alternative—but is it too good to be true?. (Well & Good NYC)
Derms say cold showers have a host of health benefits…if you can stand them. (Well & Good NYC)
The Wellness World’s Buzzy New Best Friend. (New York Times)
How to Have More Sex. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Your Tampon Could Save Your Life. (Shondaland)
Why it’s just as important to wash your face in the morning as at night. (Well & Good NYC)
Fitness Myth: Exercise Hurts Immunity. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Squats Don’t Work Your Glutes (Because You Squat Wrong). (Nia Shanks)
How Often Should You Lift?. (Furthermore from Equinox)
How Often Do You Really Need to Change Your Workout to Keep From Plateauing?. (Greatist)
Listen to Your Cravings. (Furthermore from Equinox)
For Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Walk. (New York Times)
Have a Better Indoor Run. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Why Runners Are Going Faster and Shorter. (Furthermore from Equinox)
13 Tips For Trail Running With Your Dog. (Cool of the Wild)
This Is Where People in the U.S. Live the Longest. (Travel & Leisure)
U.S. flight attendants show higher rates of cancer, new study says. (Dallas Morning News)
American Airlines Upgrades its Economy Experience with Main Cabin Extra Seating. (Skift)
American Air Sinks Most in Two Years on Surprise Fare Weakness. (Bloomberg)
JetBlue to Slash Jobs as Part of $300 Million Cost Savings. (Bloomberg)
JetBlue Founder Raising Funds for New U.S. Airline, Report Says. (Bloomberg)
Norwegian CEO Warms Up to Potential Sale. (Bloomberg)
Aeroplan Announces New Loyalty Strategy After Air Canada Split. (Skift)
The Silent Airline Killer? Just how bad is EU261 affecting the airline industry. (Total Blue Sky)
Airline etiquette: How not to be a jerk this summer at 30,000 feet. (LinkedIn)
Branson Tragedy Highlights Deadly History of Tourist Duck Boats. (Skift)
A Sunscreen-Spraying Startup Is Driving Cocktail Sales at Hotel Pools. (Bloomberg)
Why Short-Term Rentals Are Mainstream and Booming. (Skift)
The ‘Butterfly Effect’ of Our Financial Decisions. (The Simple Dollar)
The key to keeping your flowers fresh longer will literally cost you 1 cent. (Well & Good NYC)
The Advice of “Don’t Go to Starbucks Every Day” and What It Really Means. (The Simple Dollar)
To have perfectly steamed clothes, all you need is an ice cube. (Well & Good NYC)
The More List and the Less List. (The Simple Dollar)
When Pink Ballet Slippers Won’t Do. (New York Times)
11 Women Dish on Their Best Summer Entertaining Tips. (PureWow)
The Love Story I Never Thought to Tell. (Cup of Jo)
This is exactly what to say during the most awkward conversations. (Well & Good NYC)
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