April 25, 2018

Weekend Recap: Packed with Plans

Last weekend was packed, but the only big thing to report was a race I did Saturday… for which you’ll need to stay tuned for a full race report. It was a good one!

Thursday night, as soon as I landed, I headed straight downtown for Denver Rescue Mission’s annual volunteer appreciation event. We got to enjoy hors d’oeuvres and a presentation on the impact of our service, and then were released to explore the History Colorado Museum. I had never been before, but I really enjoyed learning all about Colorado’s rich history. The exhibits were very cleverly interactive, from a mining game where you had to set sticks of dynamite in a pattern before blasting, to an experiential ride in an original Ford through the prairie where you got shaken up and sprayed with water when it rained. It was clearly geared toward kids, but I still loved it!

I just wish I could have brought my mentee as my guest for the night. I always feel awkward at volunteer appreciation events – I’d rather they not thank me and just provide more benefits to the people we’re helping!

Friday was a packed day of work, but I was able to work from home in the morning and then head to the office for meetings in the afternoon. It was a rough day, so after work, I ended up declining a happy hour invitation to just go home and veg out with a book.

I dug out this old shirt I hadn’t worn since college, and settled in 🙂

Since I was running a race on Saturday morning, I wanted to rest up and carb up. (Yes, I try to eat a carb-y dinner even when it’s a short race… habit, I guess. But I still eat my normal amount of calories; I just aim for pasta or rice rather than a mix of veggies and protein.) I definitely rested and carbed, but Saturday morning, I woke up to this:

Not exactly conducive to a fast time like I hoped!

I considered bailing on the race and going skiing with friends instead (it was Breck’s closing weekend), but ultimately forced myself to stick with my plan. Well, good thing I did, because (spoiler alert) – I ended up channeling my inner Desi Linden and winning the race despite the inclement weather!! More on that to come in a full race report.

After the race, I headed to brunch with a friend in Loveland, and then finally made my way back home. But no time to rest – after a shower, it was back out to meet another friend for a drink at one of my favorite breweries, Fate, which just opened a new location in Lafayette. Lafayette is the town next to mine, and the new location happens to be right across from my church… so perhaps I’ll be going there on Saturday afternoons more often after services 😉

Next, it was back for some fun even closer to home. Remember when I went to a Sounds of Simon concert last month in my neighborhood? Tonight was the next artist in the series, Dan Rodriguez, and now that I knew what a cool experience it was, I invited my friend Heather to join. I had briefly wondered if Ryan Montbleau was a fluke in how good he was, but Dan Rodriguez was phenomenal – perhaps even better than Ryan Montbleau (who was already awesome)!

Heather and I had a blast, and I am definitely going to be dragging more friends to these concerts in the future. I already got tickets for the next show, Tony Lucca, and I can’t wait!

Compared to Saturday, Sunday was a little bit slower – and good thing, because I was feeling a bit sick to my stomach all day. (I hoped the lettuce that was in my burrito Saturday for brunch wasn’t e coli-infested, but a few days later it seems like all is well.) I was supposed to start it trail running with Laura, but ended up changing that to coffee instead; I followed coffee with brunch with a friend in downtown Denver. From there, lots of errands around the house, and then round 2 of my magazine photo shoot from the weekend before. We were able to head out onto one of my favorite neighborhood trail running routes, just before sunset, and I’m really excited to see how the pics come out!

All in all, it was a successful (but busy) weekend… and as a result, I am really looking forward to some unplanned R&R this weekend. Remember how I said I was going to make it a point to take a one-night getaway at least once a month? That’s happening Friday, and I can’t wait!


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