Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Teach kids creativity. Ultimately, machines will be better at coding. (Wired)
Funny: List: Quick Facts About the Silicon Valley Microschool That’s Disrupting Education. (McSweeneys)
The Case Against Lectures. (Nautilus)
How to communicate for engagement. (Patty Azzarello)
Want to Improve Your Communication Skills? Stop Saying These 25 Words.. (Entrepreneur)
Emergency Maneuvers. (Friday Forward)
Men Learn How to Be ‘Allies,’ Without Fear, to Female Colleagues. (Wall Street Journal)
Many Americans Try Retirement, Then Change Their Minds. (New York Times)
How to Spot and Overcome Your Hidden Weaknesses. (New York Times)
How to choose goals you’re actually (gasp!) excited about. (Medium)
This Is How To Increase Your Attention Span: 5 Secrets From Neuroscience. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
A general sunny outlook might improve how you remember the past. (Well & Good NYC)
It Takes 90 Hours to Make a New Friend. (Lifehacker)
The 3 Keys to Becoming Irresistible. (Medium)
7 tips for staying happy, confident, and sane while online dating. (Well & Good NYC)
51 Ways To Get What You Want Without Following “The Rules”. (Yes and Yes)
Yes, You Should Delete Facebook. (Medium)
My Partner Snores, but This Made Me Not Kill Him. (Greatist)
How to trick yourself into avoiding the health pitfalls of insomnia. (Well & Good NYC)
Biphasic sleep: Should you sleep in two shifts?. (Big Think)
Sleep Experts Say You Need to Stop Doing These 7 Things If You Want to Sleep Better. (Greatist)
Is It Time to Give Up on Fish Oil?. (New York Times)
How Many Calories Are in a Scooped-Out Bagel?. (Lifehacker)
Those 2-Minute Walk Breaks? They Add Up. (New York Times)
Build Lateral Strength. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Just being outside can improve your psychological health. (Quartz)
Should You Fast Pre-Workout?. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Scott Kelly’s genes and NASA’s twin study on him, explained. (Vox)
JetBlue Tweaks its West Coast Route Map as it Focuses on Profit Margins. (Skift)
The Rare Case Where Airlines and Passengers Both Win. (Wall Street Journal)
Privately Run Terminal in Suburban Seattle Could Be the Future of U.S. Airports. (Skift)
Sore bums and boredom: What the Qantas flight was like in economy. (New Zealand Herald)
Airline Upgrades Lead to a Purloined Pillow Problem. (Skift)
Alaska Airlines Will Enter Basic Economy Market Later This Year. (Skift)
Ryanair “well on track to achieving ancillary targets by 2020″. (Future Travel Experience)
Embattled United CEO Munoz Forgoes Bonus as Chairman Steps Aside. (Skift)
Southwest’s heavy heart: How the LUV airline is responding to the worst accident in its history. (Dallas Morning News)
Southwest Flight Social Feeds Remind Airlines Tragedies Are Public in Real Time Now. (Skift)
Southwest Airlines cancels dozens more flights as engine fan blade inspections continue. (Dallas Morning News)
Why Wall Street shrugged off Southwest’s first fatal accident. (Dallas Morning News)
The Difference Between a Good Pilot and a Hero Pilot. (Travel Insider)
Window seat or aisle? After Southwest incident, some fliers think twice. (CNN)
Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Your Plane Losing an Engine. (Lifehacker)
Fizzle and flop or crackle and pop: Will blockchain in travel see mass adoption in 2018?. (Tnooz)
Hilton Will Let You Control TV, Lights, Temp in Your Room From Smartphone. (Skift)
Asking for reviews reaps positive results for hotels. (Tnooz)
Marriott Experiments With Homesharing. (Skift)
New Research Finds Near-Universal Acceptance of Ridesharing Among Business Travelers. (Skift)
How autonomous vehicles will transform the ways we travel. (Tnooz)
The Case for Adventurous Vacations. (Furthermore from Equinox)
7 Ways to Take Travel Home. (Furthermore from Equinox) Great tips here!
Why Men Quit and Women Don’t. (New York Times)
Personal Finance and the 80/20 Principle. (The Simple Dollar)
5 Things Customer Support Reps Wish You Knew. (Zapier)
Music festivals are the corporate dystopia we deserve. (Outline Magazine)
Utah Passes ‘Free-Range’ Parenting Law. (New York Times)
Send Thank You Videos After Your Kid’s Birthday Party. (Lifehacker)
To Raise Resilient Kids, Be a Resilient Parent. (New York Times)
The best method for cooking asparagus is 2,000 years old. (Lifehacker)
Japan’s Rent-a-Family Industry. (New Yorker)
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