Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

PWC’s millennial employees led a rebellion—and their demands are being met. (Quartz)
Study finds female college graduates newly on the job market are punished for having good grades. (Inside Higher Ed)
The 4 Personality Traits That Keep You From Making More Money. (New York Magazine)
High heels are the worst, and women are finally ditching them. (Washington Post)
Being a Two-Career Couple Requires a Long-Term Plan. (Harvard Business Journal)
This is the one thing you shouldn’t do on your first day at a new job, according to a career expert. (Well & Good NYC)
For Work-Life Balance, Work Sunday Nights. (Lifehacker)
8 Tips for Asking and Getting a Raise. (The Balance)
Tapping into the power of humble narcissism. (TED Talks)
How to Rebound From a Work Mistake. (Career Contessa)
How to be a good mentor: Don’t worry about it!. (Patty Azzarello)
Senior Executives Get More Sleep Than Everyone Else. (Harvard Business Journal)
Say goodbye to the information age: it’s all about reputation now. (Aeon Magazine)
Boost Your Learning, Boost Your Productivity: Six Simple Ways to Learn Faster and Better. (Laura Stack)
The Ivy Lee Method: The Daily Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity. (James Clear)
The Psychology of Being Reliable. (Deep Existence)
The Scheduling Secret That Will Make Your Team More Productive. (Fast Company)
This Is Where Your Childhood Memories Went. (Nautilus)
Create a Not-to-Do List. (Lifehacker)
An effortless way to improve your memory. (BBC World)
How Self-Aware Are People, Really, According to Science?. (The Atlantic)
10 Strategies Smart People Use to Handle Difficult People. (Heleo)
The hierarchy of disagreement: The best and worst argument techniques. (Big Think)
Related: Use This Improv Comedy Rule to Avoid Arguments. (Lifehacker)
13 Ways to Get Others Financially and Emotionally Invested in Your Goals. (Medium)
Why Denmark dominates the World Happiness Report rankings year after year. (The Conversation)
The Challenge of Doctor-Patient Relations in the Internet Age. (New York Times)
Ignoring Your Emotions Is Bad for Your Health. (Time)
How Our Beliefs Can Shape Our Waistlines. (New York Times)
The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right. (Grubstreet)
Why Female Athletes Need Carbs. (Furthermore from Equinox)
The Secret Swap That Can Make Your Meals Healthier (and Higher in Protein). (Greatist)
More Fitness, Less Fatness. (New York Times)
7 Reasons You Need to Be Doing Deadlifts. (Greatist)
Ideas for Switching Up Your Exercise At Home For Max Benefits. (Run to the Finish)
Tips for Runsploring a New City and Running Austin. (Run to the Finish)
5 common yoga mistakes you may not realize you’re making—and exactly how to fix them. (Well & Good NYC)
So You Didn’t Sleep—Here’s How to Stay Awake. (Greatist)
How Shay Mitchell avoids feeling bloated or jet lagged while traveling. (Well & Good NYC)
JetBlue CEO: Why not London?!?. (Wandering Aramean)
Qantas Considers Chicago as Part of Its Long-Haul Expansion. (Skift)
Longer Flights Have Hong Kong Airlines Rethinking Customer Experience. (Skift)
JetBlue Drops Trays for Carts to Speed Up Service Out of Cramped Galleys. (Skift)
Is Delta becoming a cutting edge tech company right before our eyes?. (Tnooz)
Self-driving snowplows are clearing runways at airport. (Digital Trends)
Google’s Larry Page Invests in Flying Cars or Should We Just Call Them Helicopters. (Skift)
Listen up: voice assistants are not quite ready to fly. (Tnooz)
Mobile and the Future of Customer Experience in the Travel Industry. (Skift)
Airlines only beginning to tap into mobile growth potential. (Tnooz)
Are these the technologies most wanted by air travelers?. (Tnooz)
Being Informal Is the Future of Luxury Guest Relations. (Skift)
These are the new rules of dating, according to matchmaking pros. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Stop Rushing Into Love. (New York Times)
Need a Date? First, Get a Dog. (New York Times)
In experiments, researchers figured out what men and women really want in a mate. (Washington Post)
Do You and Your Partner Sleep in Separate Bedrooms? Maybe You Should!. (Greatist)
How to Make Friends as an Adult — and Why It’s Important. (Time)
Superior couple invites people to their home for intimate house concerts. I attended this concert and loved it so much! (9 News Denver)
Bartenders on the One Cocktailing Skill You Should Know. (Supercall)
Twenty Frugal Ways to Get Yourself Out of a Bad Place. (The Simple Dollar)
Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD. (Psychology Today)
The Tyranny of Convenience. (New York Times)
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