Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Technological Unemployment: Much More Than You Wanted To Know. (Slate Star Codex)
What is a Millennial? Pew Research Center sets birth year guidelines for how to identify generations. (Newsweek)
Interviewing for your dream job? 4 savvy questions to ask the hiring manager. (Well & Good NYC)
A Stoic Guide to Navigating the Modern Workplace. (Thrive Global)
6 Ways to Take Control of Your Career Development If Your Company Doesn’t Care About It. (Harvard Business Journal)
Fumbling the Ball: Four Common Mistakes Made When Delegating. (Laura Stack)
Structure Your Work-From-Home Day With These Routines. (Lifehacker)
Don’t Be the Office Mom. (Lifehacker)
Clutch Performers. (Friday Forward)
Keep Track of Your Work Accomplishments Throughout the Year. (Lifehacker) Great tips here!
Want to Run a Successful Business? Hire More Women. (Inc)
Emotionally Intelligent Ways To Express These 5 Feelings At Work. (Fast Company)
How Marathon Training Made Me a Better Product Designer. (Medium)
Why It’s Time to Rethink Drinking at Work. (Slate)
Mental Models: How to Train Your Brain to Think in New Ways. (Medium)
Why “Being Busy” Isn’t as Glorious as It Sounds. (The Every Girl)
Seven Steps To Learn and Master Anything As Quickly As Possible. (Medium)
Mind the process, not the results. (A Life of Productivity)
Yale’s Most Popular Class Ever: Happiness. (New York Times)
According to new research, being a social butterfly could be the secret to wealth. (Well & Good NYC)
5 fascinating things I discovered by making myself bored for a month. (A Life of Productivity)
Use Excel to Keep Your Family Organized. (Lifehacker)
Why ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood’ Is the Best Type of Screen Time. (Lifehacker)
Related: What The Screen Time Experts Do With Their Own Kids. (NPR)
Rebrand the Rainy Day. (Lifehacker)
Understanding This Marketing Trick Can Help You Avoid Impulse Buys. (The Simple Dollar)
In Sweeping War on Obesity, Chile Slays Tony the Tiger. (New York Times)
Is it healthy to work out when you have the flu?. (Well & Good NYC)
16 Ways To Make Crutches Suck Less. (BuzzFeed) Hint hint… I’m on them right now 🙁
The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Life on Crutches (Happily). (Greatist)
Why Yoga Pants Are Bad for Women. (New York Times)
Lost Art Of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines. (NPR)
Beauty’s New High: CBD Oil. (New York Times)
5 Minutes to Better Sleep. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Why you should stock up on water (and ditch caffeine and alcohol) while flying. (Well & Good NYC)
The one thing celeb trainer Harley Pasternak tells all of his famous clients to do for best results. (Well & Good NYC)
Tonya Harding is no hero. (NY Post)
A few more Olympics articles:
This Snowboarder Borrowed Skis to Enter an Event, Won Gold And Couldn’t Believe I. (Thrive Global)
The Ski Team That Sleeps Together Wins a Lot of Gold Medals Together. (New York Times)
Similar: Norway’s Secret to Crushing the Rest of the World at the Winter Olympics. (Time)
The Big Air Travel Trends of 2018: More Comfort and Price Points. (Wendy Perrin)
Your airline overhead bins may now be reserved. (Market Watch)
You’re Right, There Is a Faster Way to Board Planes. But Airlines Don’t Like It.. (Thrillist)
Avianca Brasil Is Investing in Food to Help It Leapfrog Rivals. (Skift)
Seamless Air Alliance marks radical pivot in evolution of inflight wifi. (Tnooz)
American Airlines Will Bring Basic Economy to Transatlantic Routes. (Skift)
American Airlines and Qantas Try For a Joint Venture Again. (Skift)
American Air Is Battling Chicago Over a ‘Secret’ Deal With United. (Skift)
American Airlines Is Refusing to Sign Chicago O’Hare Expansion Deal. (Travel Codex)
Massive revamp of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport likely to set off intense scramble for new gates, routes. (Dallas Morning News)
Colourful new food trucks offer tasty snacks at Oslo Airport. (Airport World)
Amadeus Faces Plenty of Risks on the Horizon. (Skift)
Uber and Lyft Drivers in New York City Get Green Light to Display Ads. (Skift)
This Is How Airbnb Plans To Win Over Hotels. (Skift)
IHG Wants a Better High-End Offering. (Skift)
I Lived Through A School Shooting And It Made Me Appreciate My Students Even More. (Medium)
That Obscure Subject of Desire. (Medium)
6 red flags to look for in dating profiles. (Well & Good NYC)
Motherhood in the Age of Instagram. (Medium)
Taking Playtime Seriously. (New York Times)
Why Teen-Agers Are the Worst. (New Yorker)
Build Your Social Budget Like a Financial Budget. (Lifehacker)
This coffee-filter hack for planters will give even the laziest gardener a green thumb. (Well & Good NYC)
The Tyranny of Convenience. (New York Times)
The media exaggerates negative news. This distortion has consequences. (Medium)
Want to Know What the Future Holds? Look No Further Than the Nearest Crossword Puzzle. (99U)
And finally, for a laugh: Realistic Birth Announcements. (New Yorker)
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