Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

What We Should Have Learned in School But Never Did. (Medium)
Here’s exactly what to say during salary negotiations. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Show Your Leadership Skills in Your Resume. (Bossed Up)
8 Ways To Avoid Falling Into A Black Hole Of Burnout. (Girlboss)
Why I Refuse to Be the Office Mom. (The Lenny Letter)
Employees will stay longer if you involve them in social causes. (Quartz)
The Killer Combo: When Stored Value Meets a Network Effect. (Hacker Noon)
Is Your Brand Relationship Material?. (Full Contact)
Stop Mindlessly Going Through Your Work Day. (Mindful)
The Future of Productivity is Now: Three Tech Tips for Doing More with Less. (Laura Stack)
How do you Invest your time?. (Patty Azzarello)
The Proven, Reasonable and Totally Unsexy Secret to Success. (James Clear)
How to Stop Procrastinating in 10 Seconds. (Deep Existence)
A class on “happiness” is one college’s most popular course ever. (Well & Good NYC)
How StyleHouse’s CEO Janna Turner Organizes Her Week. (Hitha on the Go)
The 1 Thing Nobody Tells You About Keeping Resolutions, Setting Goals & Changing Habits. (Yes and Yes)
My Depth Year 2018: The Constraints of Deep Focus. (Zen Habits)
The Simple Truth Behind Reading 200 Books a Year. (Better Humans)
Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read. (The Atlantic)
The Power of the 30-Day Challenge: 10 Challenges That Can Improve Your Finances This Month. (The Simple Dollar)
How Your Psychology Affects Your Finances. (Lifehacker)
Stop choosing goals you don’t have control over. (Yes and Yes)
The scientific reason a digital detox might make you happier. (Well & Good NYC)
Volunteering Is the Best Kept Secret for Mental Health. (Vice)
How to Maintain Friendships. (New York Times)
Why the Most Vulnerable People are Also the Most Magnetic. (Heleo)
The science behind why we cry—and whether doing so actually makes us feel better. (Well & Good NYC)
Why I decided to keep my Dry January going for 88 days. (Well & Good NYC)
Is it safe to eat food that’s been freezer burnt?. (Lifehacker)
5 fiber rules to follow for a revved up metabolism. (Well & Good NYC)
They Took On the Food Giants — and Won. (New York Times)
5 sneaky factors that subconsciously influence the way you eat. (Well & Good NYC)
Americans are finally starting to get more sleep, data shows. (Well & Good NYC)
Similar: We’re Getting More Sleep. A Whole 18 Minutes. It’s Not Enough.. (New York Times)
The 10 Key Differences Between Weight Loss Success and Failure. (Nerd Fitness)
Want a Better Workout? Just Breathe. (New York Times)
Exercise Alters Our Microbiome. Is That One Reason It’s So Good for Us?. (New York Times)
Afraid of Falling? For Older Adults, the Dutch Have a Cure. (New York Times)
Leaving the house linked to longevity in older adults. (Yahoo)
This Cat Sensed Death. What if Computers Could, Too?. (New York Times)
The Hospital Gown Gets a Modest Makeover. (New York Times)
How to Clean Hiking Boots to Prolong Their Life. (Cool of the Wild)
A travel agent is trying to charge fees for sunbeds. (Economist)
Here’s how much Southwest Airlines passengers paid to board early in 2017. (Dallas Morning News)
American, Delta revive their re-accommodation agreement. (Tnooz)
Confused? How to Fly on Codeshares without Hassle. (Travel Codex)
How to board a plane without a boarding pass. (Economist)
NTSB says chaotic 2016 evacuation of American Airlines flight put lives at risk. (Dallas Morning News)
Why flying in airplanes exposes people to radiation. (Business Insider)
8 things airline industry leaders will be doing in 2018. (Total Blue Sky)
The top 10 technology priorities for airlines in 2018. (Tnooz)
The Airport of the Future May Evolve From Transport Hub to Attraction. (Skift)
Best Airport Pickup Signs Ever. (NewsD)
Artificial intelligence – far more than just a chatbot technology for airlines and airports. (Future Travel Experience)
Why Human Hotel Live Chat is Better Than Chatbots. (Hotel News Now)
Looking at the future of travel with autonomous vehicles. (Tnooz)
Tech buyers believe in space tourism and Hyperloop, unsure about flying cars. (Tnooz)
Could air services decide which city will win Amazon’s HQ2?. (Tnooz)
The #1 Painting Mistake, According to Joanna Gaines. (PureWow)
Why Is Hollywood So Liberal?. (New York Times)
Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wage Experiment Is a Success. (Civic Skunkworks)
This Is The Easy Way To Save Money: 6 Powerful Secrets From Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Why Bitcoin is Stupid. (Mr. Money Mustache)
How to Break Up With a Friend (and Not Feel Guilty). (Greatist)
9 Classy Ways to End a Bad Date Going Nowhere. (Verily)
Why Women Love to Wear Men’s Deodorant. (Mel Magazine)
5-Year-Olds Work Farm Machinery, and Injuries Follow. (New York Times)
Most parenting advice is worthless. So here’s some parenting advice.. (Vox)
How to Get Your Kid Out the Door Faster Every Morning. (Lifehacker)
Teens Aren’t Partying Anymore. They’re on Social Media.. (Wired)
But just in case… Don’t Give Your Teens Alcohol. (Lifehacker)
Teenagers, Stop Asking for Nude Photos. (New York Times)
Why quitting smartphones is the new quitting smoking. (Medium)
Who’s Afraid of the “Petextrian”?. (The Baffler)
Finally, in time for the Superbowl: The Takeout investigates: Which chip for which dip?. (Lifehacker)
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