Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Not Enough Experience For The Job You Want? Here’s How To Get Around It. (Bossed Up)
How To Identify A Toxic Culture Before Accepting A Job Offer. (Fast Company)
How to know if you have impostor syndrome—and what to do about it. (Well & Good NYC)
5 Hacks to Boost Your Confidence Before That Big Meeting. (Career Contessa)
12 Innovative Ways to Innovate Your Innovation. Hilarious! (Medium)
When Working From Home Doesn’t Work. (The Atlantic)
Guiding principles for deciding whether to pause a career to raise a family. (Quartz)
A majority of men say there are enough women in leadership roles. (CNBC)
How to Have a Good Day at Work: Interview with author Caroline Webb. (Glass Door)
Feel overwhelmed by work? Try giving your days a theme. (A Life of Productivity)
8 Reasons the 8 Hour Workday Doesn’t Make Sense. (Medium)
11 Habits of Genuinely Likable People. (Inc)
Do You Know How Others See You?. (Wall Street Journal)
Rich Men With Extreme Politics Have the Happiest Marriages. (Bloomberg)
How Competition Affects Your Brain. (Heleo)
Thaler, Famed for ‘Nudge’ Theory, Wins Nobel Economics Prize. (Bloomberg)
My New Calendar System. (Medium)
5 Time-Saving Productivity Hacks, Reviewed. (The Simple Dollar)
The “Burner List”—My simple, paper-based system for focused to-dos. (Medium)
Why You Don’t Need a Five-Year Plan. (Heleo)
These 10 Hidden Gmail Productivity Hacks Will Give You Goosebumps. The title is a bit much, but these are good tips. (Medium)
Your Ability to Focus Has Probably Peaked: Here’s How to Stay Sharp. (Thrive Global)
The 9 People You Need to Be Successful. (Success Magazine)
7 Scientific Ways to Make Better Decisions. (Zapier)
How to Kick Ass With Humility. (Heleo)
Facebook research into Aussie teens feeling overwhelmed and anxious. (News AU)
A therapist’s guide to staying productive when you’re depressed or heartbroken. (Quartz)
10 Simple, Weight-Loss Habits Made for The Office. (My Fitness Pal)
Get Up, Stand Up!. (New York Times)
The One Move You Should Be Doing, Based on Your Favorite Workout. (Greatist)
When Not to Listen to Fitness Instructors (According to Fitness Instructors). (Greatist)
Can Exercise Prevent Depression?. (Psychology Today)
The 10 Things Perpetually Healthy Nerds Do that Unhealthy People Don’t.. (Nerd Fitness)
Your Birth Month Can Determine What Diseases You’ll Likely Develop. (Big Think)
Celeb nutritionist Kimberly Snyder shares the list of foods she never, ever eats. (Well & Good NYC)
Air Canada looks to growth as it partners with Amadeus. (Tnooz)
First Class Is Shrinking but Here’s Why It Remains Important. (Skift)
Airlines are trying to cram ever more seats onto planes. (Economist)
Delta Doesn’t Actually Want Anyone to Buy Basic Economy. (Skift)
American and United Raise Forecasts as Impact From Fare Wars may Be Less Than Expected. (Skift)
Social Media Scares Us About Airlines in an Age of Permanxiety. (Skift)
Southwest Airlines Will Fly to Hawaii as Soon as Next Year. (Skift)
Air Asia X Is Exploring Larger Planes for Longer Routes. (Skift)
Combatting cyber crime. (Airport World)
Lola, not just any old business bot. (Tnooz)
Beyond watches: How wearables are changing the face of travel. (Tnooz)
Transportation Spending Grabs Smaller Share of Household Income in Sharing Economy Era. (Skift)
Wyndham Rewards Loyalty Program Provides the Most Payback on Guest Spending. (Skift)
Airbnb Experiments With Hotel-Like Concept Outside Orlando. (Skift)
Opinion: Smart Hotels Don’t Pander to Millennial Desires. (Skift)
Can North Texas’ airports provide the lift to help region snag Amazon?. (Dallas Morning News)
The Smartest Americans Are Heading West. Yes, to Boulder!! (Bloomberg)
Thoughts on Vegas, and Why Men Keep Doing This – Be Yourself. (Medium)
Why We Pick the Wrong Leaders. (Heleo)
Multilevel-marketing companies like LuLaRoe are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis. (Quartz)
Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue. (Wired)
Amazon is in talks with Phrame and is working on a smart doorbell. (CNBC)
Mattel Pulls Aristotle Children’s Device After Privacy Concerns. How about just… don’t buy one of these if you’re concerned? (New York Times)
How Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher aim to Kondo their kids’ Christmas. (Well & Good NYC)
We All Have a Retail Flinch Point. (Racked)
Teachers share 23 things they’d love to tell their students but can’t. (Business Insider)
The New Midlife Crisis for Women. (Oprah)
Feeling Older? Here’s How to Embrace It. (New York Times)
5 Dating Tips If You Hate Dating. (Man Repeller)
How I Learned to Stop Being a “Chill Girl” and Start Being Me. (Vogue)
Here’s Why Americans Have Been Drinking Milk Wrong for Centuries. (Thrillist)
The Battle Between Freedom and Affluence. (The Simple Dollar)
Finally, for a laugh: Gaslighting for Beginners. (Medium)
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