It’s July already? This year is going by fast. Here’s how I progressed on my 2017 goals in the month of June:
I stuck to my 10 pushups / 20 split squats / 30 plank leg lifts pretty well this month, only missing one day when I was traveling from Boston to New York to visit friends in both places and was never really on my own. Not too bad! But I still didn’t get into a routine of always doing them first thing in the morning, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to accomplish this the same way I’ve gotten used to my five minutes of walking before bed every night. That works because my bedtime routine is always the same, but my morning routine is completely different depending on where I wake up and what my day looks like. I think I’m okay with just making sure I do the 10/20/30 every day even if it’s not at the same time.
I’m still more than on track to read 100 books this year, with 58 books read as of July 1st (8 books ahead). I feel like in the last few days I haven’t been reading much, so that’s reassuring to know I’m still on track!
In June, I spent a lot of time getting trained for various volunteer opportunities, and hit my goal of volunteering twice a month that way, but haven’t had the opportunity to kick any off yet. This month, I completed several training sessions for the International Rescue Committee to help refugees adjust to life in Colorado. I finished the IRC training last week and was told I’ll be matched with a family within the next week or so, and I’m so excited! I also went through on-site training for Boulder County Parks & Open Space Living History Days – our first performance is in two weeks!
In June, I was barely home to cook, and for the first month in a long time I didn’t host any parties at my house! But I’m throwing a French-themed birthday party for myself in a few weeks, and I’ve been off work all this week, so I’ll have lots of cooking / sharing for July 🙂
This was a fairly boring update, with not a lot of change from last month. However, I really like reflecting on my goals for the year and seeing where I’m doing well and where there’s room for improvement. For July, I’ll continue with this mini-goals and probably not change a lot (though I’m hopeful that my volunteering track record will improve now that I’ve finished training for so many organizations). Instead, I’ll devote my energy to my larger goal of going sub-20 in a 5K. It’s time for me to pick a race and go for it!