Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

The Best Time to Retune Your Career? It’s Probably Right Now. (New York Times)
How to Get Promoted. (Ivanka Trump)
If Your Boss Could Do Your Job, You’re More Likely to Be Happy at Work. (Harvard Business Journal)
France gives workers ‘right to disconnect’ from office email. (CNN)
Need Better Morale in the Workplace? Simulate a Plane Crash. This is so cool! I’m guessing my coworkers in the airline space would love it. (New York Times)
10 Things The Most Successful People Do Every Day. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The 3 dangers existing on your to-do list + how to get rid of them and still get a lot done. (The Small Change Project)
Why people get happier as they get older. (Medium)
Why Certain Gifts Are Great to Give but Not to Get: A Framework for Understanding Errors in Gift Giving. I found this fascinating, especially since I’ve probably made this mistake of prioritizing the gift giving moment. (Sage Journals)
Does Social Media Mean Better Running? (Runners World)
Try Not to Tear Up as You Watch a Former Marathoner Lace Up One Last Time. (Greatist)
11 Ways To Improve Your Posture, According To Experts. (Bustle)
8 Easy Health Hacks You Can Start Doing Right Now. (PureWow)
Adorable video: Watching Disney Princesses Work Out Begs the Question: Which One Are You? (Greatist)
Starting to Have Breakfast is Worst New Year’s Resolution … Unless You Want to Gain Weight. (Suppversity)
Are Saunas Good for the Brain? (New York Times)
Pregnancy Changes the Brain in Ways That May Help Mothering. (New York Times)
The Right Way to Sleep In. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Why “Sully” made me proud to be a flight attendant. (Heather Poole)
Your 2017 Travel Forecast. (New York Times)
These Aviation Innovations Will Someday Make Flying Economy (Mostly) Better. (Wired)
Flying solo together: Virtual-reality headsets mean isolation from irritating cabin-mates. (Economist)
Mastercard Could Share Your Height and Weight With Airlines, But Will It? (Skift)
Airline passenger details easy prey for hackers, say researchers. (Guardian)
U.S. Customs Officials Say System Outage Caused Processing Delays at Airports. (Skift)
The benefits of beacons. (Airport World)
New York’s Governor Proposes $10 Billion Plan to (Finally) Fix JFK Airport. (Skift)
Carnival to bring MagicBand-like, wearable medallions to cruise passengers. (Tnooz)
Food Trucks Struggle to Attract Customers Through the Winter. (Skift)
Wake up and fight. (The REWM)
How to Become a Better Cook in 30 Days. (PureWow)
16 Hosting Rules Kate Middleton Never Breaks. (Good Housekeeping)
How to Become the Neat Freak You’ve Always Dreamed of Being. (PopSugar)
Related: Your Clutter-Clearing Plan for the New Year. (Houzz )
Finland is giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income. (CNN)
New evidence suggests an iceberg didn’t cause Titanic to sink. (The Independent)
And finally for a laugh: 25 Parental Tweets Simply Filled With Sarcasm. (Brightside)
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Hi, I really enjoy your blog. I was disappointed to see you link to something by Ivanka Trump. She and her family promote a bigoted agenda. For a better explanation of what I mean, this blogger made a helpful statement: http://www.caphillstyle.com/capitol/2016/10/08/state-of-the-blog-never-again.html Thanks for listening, Lauren
Hi Lauren – I really appreciate you speaking up to let me know how you feel, as it always helps me to see other perspectives. In general with this roundup, my intent in linking to a specific article is not to endorse everything on a website or everything about an author. I certainly don’t intend for my links to be a statement of my political beliefs, particularly as I also frequently link to things that I completely disagree with if I found them to be well-written/thought-provoking.
With regards to the Ivanka Trump link, I read Capitol Hill Style too and had seen that post at the time. However, I’ve also been reading the Ivanka Trump blog for over a year (maybe more?) and have found the posts on there to be very informative when it comes to women and careers, as well as completely non-partisan. My understanding is also that the website is written by a large team of people and very little is written by Ivanka herself. I haven’t noticed anything on the Ivanka Trump blog that was bigoted, though I certainly could have missed something, so I continue to read that as a source of career info. The style info, not so much, as my friends will tell you that I am woefully unstylish 😉
I really hope you’ll keep reading – and that you’ll continue voicing your concerns if you disagree with things I post. Above all I want to make sure that my blog always invites open, respectful dialogue like your comment. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!