Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Helping Bosses Decode Millennials—for $20,000 an Hour. I’ve worked with my own firm’s millennial expert (who is full-time, not a consultant) and her work is outstanding – so I disagree that these consultants aren’t worth it. (Wall Street Journal)
The French Counterstrike Against Work E-mail. (New Yorker)
How Executives Write Emails. I found this shortly after getting a very similar email from an associate, and thought “oh, how true.” (Every Vowel)
The real reason to share your work (and how to do it right). (Crew Blog)
Why the Protestant work ethic is broken. (A Life of Productivity)
How to stop your phone from distracting you and wasting your life. (David Jaxon)
Authenticity vs. Beauty: Why you don’t need design like Apple. (Crew Blog)
This Is How To Boost Emotional Resilience: 10 Research-Backed Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Scientists say men with one intriguing characteristic are more attractive to women. (Yahoo Finance)
How To Be Optimistic: 4 Steps Backed by Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The cult of egg-freezing is doing ambitious women a big disservice. (Quarts)
Daily Coffee and Donuts for School Breakfast: Why It Makes Perfect Sense. (The Lunch Tray)
Parents of Deaf Children, Stuck in the Middle of an Argument. (New York Times)
Do Children in France Have a Healthier Relationship With Alcohol?. (New York Times)
7 Weight-Loss Lessons Americans Should Borrow from the French. (My Fitness Pal)
Are Your Friends’ Weddings Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals?. (Daily Burn)
Surfing icon Laird Hamilton shares his 10-point plan to live forever. (Los Angeles Times)
Taking My Running Up to Another Level. (Felt Thoughts)
14 Dos and Don’ts of Being a Master Ultramarathon Pacer. (Rock Creek Runner)
My Life-Changing Experience In A Sensory Deprivation Tank. (Stephen Guise)
Get Your Flu Shot in the Morning. (New York Times)
Across the Aisle from Phoenix Aviation Director Jim Bennett. (Cranky Flier)
Why Is In-Flight Wi-Fi So Crappy? (Huffington Post)
The Plan to Pit Passenger Against Passenger for Better Flight Upgrades. (Skift)
The sad, sick life of the business traveller. (Economist)
Airbnb and the Solo Female Business Traveler. (Skift)
In Defense of Absurdly Early Bedtimes for Kids. (Slate)
5 Signs Your Dinner Host Is Very Good at Their Job. (The Kitchn)
Got the Urge to Do Some Spring-Cleaning? Avoid These 5 Classic Mistakes.. (Medium)
The Weird and Wonderful World of Extreme Ironing. (Cool of the Wild)
Google Reveals the Top Misspelled Word in Every State. (ABC News)
A viewer’s guide to the 2016 National Spelling Bee. (Vox)
A bloodbath in the crying room: the brutal competition of the National Spelling Bee. (Vox)
Finally, for a laugh: “The Bachelorette” Happened to Me. (New Yorker)
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How Executives Write Emails => Cut, cut, cut. I don’t know it if it was a deliberate conspiracy or not, but I remember all my college writing profs (from different depts) and my roommate constantly cutting out pieces of my writing. Now I find myself doing it to myself and others. Interesting!
The Real Reason To Share Your Work => Oh, gosh, I need to spend hours slowly reading this (and I will!). But first thought: Csikszentmihalyi underestimates the power of merely voicing ones thoughts. It’s less about the Field , except as an environment to voice one’s thoughts but more about expanding ones creativity beyond ones own walls. (PS I adore the Crew folks – but more the design side; until now!)
Men With One Intriguing Characteristic => somewhat off-topic but kinda related. When observing my friends and peers, I often think “I wish they would enjoy the silly games of ‘courting’ more…” There’s something about getting a person to really relax, smile and laugh that’s addicting. Maybe, I’m just odd.
Oh, and that Laird Hamilton, he’s kinda hot, isn’t he?
As I’m sure is obvious from my blog, I tend to be rather wordy. I like to think that I write more like the executive style, but I sadly think that it’s frequently more the analyst style and I need to cut more 🙂
Crew Labs is PHENOMENAL! Their blog used to be one of my favorites and it looks like their RSS feed hiccuped as I all of a sudden got 20 pieces from them in an hour. But now it looks like it’s back to normal so you’ll be seeing more soon 🙂
Laird is definitely hot… though I’m thinking his strict lifestyle wouldn’t quite jive with my more moderate approach 🙂