Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂
Five Things You Can Do to Attract Millennial Talent. (Fortune)
Why So Many Thirtysomething Women Are Leaving Your Company. (Harvard Business Review)
One Weird Trick for Keeping Female Employees From Quitting. (New York Magazine)
Why B-Schools Struggle to Enroll More Women. (Bloomberg)
Women in Male-Dominated Jobs Have More Stress. (Time)
The only people who aren’t penalized for promoting diversity at work are white men. (Quartz)
Are Good Managers Born or Made?. (Hotel News Now)
Startup CEO asks all her employees to cold email their idol. (Business Insider)
Is Your Workplace Tough or Is It Toxic?. (Hotel News Now)
Signs You’re Burning Out (And How To Stop It). (LinkedIn)
Why It’s Okay to Cry at Work. (The Atlantic)
6 Conversation Starters Better Than “What Do You Do?”. (Greatist)
Work, Sleep, Family, Fitness, or Friends: Pick 3. (Inc)
The Birthday Tradition You Should Start Immediately. (Country Living)
This Is The Most Fun Way To Make Your Life Awesome. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
How to Stop Feeling Like You Don’t Have Enough Time. (Greatist)
5 ways to keep your phone from taking over your life. (A Life of Productivity)
How to Declutter Your Kitchen, According to Marie Kondo. (Daily Burn)
mindfulness workshop: grape day. (Laura Schwecherl)
Health Experts Recommend Standing Up At Desk, Leaving Office, Never Coming Back. (The Onion)
Stand To Work If You Like, But Don’t Brag About The Benefits. (NPR)
Camping with dogs. (Cool of the Wild)
Lots of People Are Losing Distance Vision, and No One Knows Why. (Wired)
Never Diet Again: 5 Mindless Ways to Build Healthy Habits. (Daily Burn)
Vitamin D for Daylight Savings. (Inside Tracker)
Why changing your form won’t make you a better runner. (Cowgirl Runs)
Thousands of Injuries, Mishaps at Chinese Marathon Prompt Alarm. (Wall Street Journal)
Mastering the 10K: A Guide to Your Best Race. (Run to the Finish)
Jogger Clearly On First Run Of Plan To Turn Life Around. (The Onion)
A Radical Thought: Do Millennials Really View Travel Differently?. (Skift)
How I Afford to Travel. (T-Rex Runner)
5 things I wish I knew before my first business trip. (Road Warriorette)
Starwood Accepts Marriott’s Counter-Offer Worth $13.6 Billion. (Skift)
This Is How Marriott Could Lose Starwood to Anbang’s Investor Group. (Skift)
Airline, Hotel and Other Travel Stocks Fall After Attacks in Brussels. (Skift)
The Airport Security Measure That Works, Yet too few Airports Use. (Skift)
Should Airports Extend Their Security Perimeters? No.. (Cranky Flier)
Skift Survey: Americans Rethink Summer European Travel Plans After Attacks. (Skift)
Why the TSA, Congress, and Even the White House are Making Airport Security Lines Worse. (Cranky Flier)
Every little counts. (Airport World)
This New Blended Cabin Could Introduce the World’s First Lay-Flat Premium Economy Seat. (Skift)
This Aerospace Company Wants to Bring Supersonic Civilian Travel Back. (Bloomberg)
Airships could be returning for commercial travel. (Economist)
Common Myths About Flying You Shouldn’t Believe. (Thrillist)
Always innovating: Alaska testing electronic bag tags. (Alaska Air)
Ryanair’s CMO on the Airline’s Ambitious Low-Brow Content Marketing Strategy. (Skift)
What to Look for in a Good, Cheap Bottle of Wine. (Thrillist)
Spoiled Or Clueless? Try Working Minimum Wage Jobs. (Financial Samurai)
5 Things You Need to Stop Apologizing For. (Greatist)
America Needs ‘Y’all’. (The Atlantic)
How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization. (Medium)
Doing a TED Talk: The Full Story. (Wait But Why)
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