Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Ten bad reasons to get a job. (Penelope Trunk)
It’s OK if you don’t LOVE your work. (Patty Azzarello)
Define Company Culture Based on Employee and Customer Experience. (LinkedIn)
You’ll Regret These Choices Forever. (LinkedIn)
#AskIvanka: Year-End Bonuses. (Ivanka Trump)
Why No CEO Should Go It Alone. (LinkedIn)
when an employee is consumed by news of mass tragedies. (Ask a Manager)
When You Have a New Boss (and Want to Keep Your Job), Here’s How to Impress. (Levo League)
10 work mistakes to avoid first thing in the morning. (MSN)
The Surprising Ways Your Name Affects Your Life. (The Atlantic)
Biases and Blunders. (Farnam Street)
How to (Non-Awkwardly) Reach Out to Old Contacts. (Daily Muse)
Does Trying to Be Happy Make Us Unhappy? (Greatist)
Related: Should-ing All Over Yourself?. (Run to the Finish)
5 Ways to Combat Adult Peer Pressure. (MizFit)
Want to Create Things That Matter? Be Lazy. (99U)
How To Be Creative: 6 Secrets Backed by Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Why You Should Make Fun a Priority in Life. (Greatist)
The No. 1 Thing 15 Relationships Experts Have Learned About Love. (Greatist)
“You shouldn’t be annoyed” – BUT I AM. Some great productivity tips if you read all the comments! (I Will Teach You To Be Rich)
Here’s Why a Young Person’s Voice Sounds Different Than an Older Person’s Voice. (Upvoted)
No More Trix for Kids: The Fall of Breakfast Cereal. (The Atlantic)
The Worst Diet Tips Top Nutrition Experts Have Ever Heard. (Greatist)
I disagree with this perspective: The F#*@ed Up Thing So Many Fitness Instructors Do. (Mind Body Green)
A Beginner’s Guide to Running. (Cup of Jo)
The Actual Best Parts About Being A Runner. (Run, Selfie, Repeat)
The New Global Travel Alert is Perfectly Valid – and Utterly Wrong. (Travel Insider)
Airport Security Lines May Get Worse. (Wall Street Journal)
personalisation, biometrics and trust will shape the travel experience of the future. (Airport World)
JetBlue’s Amazon Theater and the Benefits of Having Your Own Terminal. (Skift)
The Disturbing Truth About How Airplanes Are Maintained Today. (Vanity Fair)
Unfriendly skies? How United became the airline flyers love to hate. (NJ.com)
People are faking disabilities to fly with their pets. (NY Post)
American Airlines Brings Its Take on Premium Economy to International Flights. (Skift)
Airlines Need More Women at the Top Says IATA Boss. (Skift)
Southwest Will Add Technology for Dual-Class Service and Assigned Seats. (Skift)
This Is What Happens When a Normal Person Hires a Stylist. (Elle Magazine)
Single guy mocks his twin sister’s Instagram by recreating all her baby photos with a cat.. (Some Ecards)
Somewhat related: How to Deal When the Holidays Aren’t Exactly Happy. (Greatist)
And finally, for a laugh: This Single Girl Is Wishing Friends and a Family a Merry Effing Christmas. (PopSugar)
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I read the fitness instructor article when I saw you post it on Facebook this week and lean toward disagreeing with it as well. While I understand the popularity of the “body acceptance” movement and think it’s important to love yourself however you look, it is also okay to want to lose weight/be healthy and I think people are getting flack for that these days. As an instructor, I’m not going to be as harsh as saying “you won’t get a ring if you’re fat” or something along those lines, but A LOT of people are in my classes to burn fat/calories/lose weight so I think it’s okay to call out moves that burn major calories. One my favorites for arm workouts is, “Let’s pick up heavier weights this time and work on these arms, it’s ALWAYS tank top season in Naples.” LOL. And I’ve never had someone tell me I’m being rude or calling out chicken arms, etc 😉
That’s my perspective exactly! I had actually wanted to write a full-post rebuttal but hadn’t had a chance to do so last week… will hopefully happen tonight 🙂
That article on reconnecting to people that you hadn’t interacted with for a while was super helpful I feel. I am SOOO terrible with keeping in touch with people – mostly because I feel like I often don’t have a reason to stay in touch. Need to fix that.
I am NEVER a person of regret….. but man, that “you’ll regret these choices” article really hit home for some reason.
The regret article definitely is an eye-opener for what your current behavior should be!
I am so bad at staying in touch; however I know I want to get better at it. This article really hit home. Thanks for some great links as always!
Glad you enjoy the round up!