Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How to Get Any Job You Want (even if you’re unqualified). (LinkedIn)
Five principles for how to structure startup compensation. (David Jaxon)
5 Things Every Young Manager Needs to Know. (Levo League)
How To Be The First Remote Worker At Your Company. (Skillcrush)
Related: 5 Myths About Working From Home, Debunked. (Levo League)
All Hands Support: Why Everyone–Even Executives–Should Spend Time in Customer Service. (Zapier)
Why startup founders should learn to code. (David Jaxon)
Women: the what, when, how, and why of self-promotion. (LinkedIn)
A Project Postmortem Toolkit: Apps and Approaches that Help You Learn More from Retrospectives. (Zapier)
From Halloween to Black Friday and Beyond: Beating the Holiday Slump. (Laura Stack)
11 Differences Between Busy People and Productive People. (Levo League)
7 Habits Of Super-Productive People. (Prevention Magazine)
To Stop Procrastinating, Look to Science of Mood Repair. (Wall Street Journal)
This Is The #1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
8 Ways to Have Fewer Meetings in Your Day. (Time Management Ninja)
WorkingMemory.txt: The Most Important Productivity Tool You’ve Never Heard Of. (Cal Newport)
I have 227 browser tabs open, and my computer runs fine; here’s my secret. This was incredibly helpful for me, especially the plugins that unload tabs you’re not using! (Vox)
To Learn, Retrieve. (Farnam Street)
The “Science” in “Social Science” is Real. (LinkedIn)
Why Doesn’t Anyone Ever Feel Rich? (Or Even Happy?). (LinkedIn)
Related: How To Be Happier. (Q by Equinox)
Change Your Story to Change Your Life. (Zen Habits)
19 changes to make in your 20s to set yourself up for lifelong success. (Business Insider)
People Who Sleep Late Are Actually Smarter And More Creative. (Elite Daily)
Counterpoint: Sleeping in on the Weekend Is Actually Bad for You. (Thrillist)
Brawn and Brains. (New York Times)
Knitting While Running the New York City Marathon. (Fit Bottomed Girls)
5 Tactics for Beating Pre-Race Anxiety. (Rock Creek Runner)
CrossFit’s Dirty Little Secret. (Huffington Post)
16 Simple Stretches for Tight Shoulders. (Greatist)
Counting Your Bites for Weight Loss. (New York Times)
Thanksgiving! A great story about moderation on the least-moderate holiday. (Cranky Fitness)
Cutting Sugar Improves Children’s Health in Just 10 Days. (New York Times)
This App Alerts You If Your Food Is About To Go Bad, Then Tells You How To Cook It. (Fast Company)
The ‘Mall-ification’ of Medical Care. (New York Times)
The 22 Most Epic NYC Apartments on the Market Right Now. (PureWow)
8 reasons to go on holiday alone. (Being Little)
6 designers tell us how they’d make air travel less terrible. A lot of these are incredibly unrealistic, but still interesting to consider. (Wired)
The Airport Survival Guide. (New York Times)
Anne Frank and her family were also denied entry as refugees to the U.S.. (Washington Post)
Digital Counterinsurgency. (Foreign Affairs)
How To Hygge (Or: 29 Ways To Actually Enjoy Winter). (Yes and Yes)
10 Costly Mistakes You’re Making at the Grocery Store. (Thrillist)
Dinner Party Tips from 15 Genius Hosts. (Cup of Jo)
Related: This is something I love doing in NYC. (I Will Teach You To Be Rich)
How to Repair Family Relations During the Holidays. (Wall Street Journal)
How to destroy an American family. (Daily Dot)
How Writing Sponsored Posts Changed the Way I Blog (and Why it Might Change You Too). (ProBlogger)
14 Lessons I’ve Learned In 30 Years. (Deep Existence)
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